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It was a restless night in the Mikaelson household after what Luna and Aria had revealed to them. Just hearing Erik's name brought back memories of that fateful day. They all remembered vividly how he had forced them all to watch as he brutally executed Kenna.

In one room Kol lay awake in his bed, his face buried in his wife's neck as he lay with her. Kenna had always been able to make him smile, she had always made him happy. He remembered how she used to find him, that familiar mischievous look in her face, and talk him into helping her with whatever tricks she had planned for the day. It had been a thousand years but he still remembered the day she was executed. He knew that it could have easily been him that had been caught doing magic and executed. After that day he was always much more careful with his magic.

As he thought of his niece, a lone tear escaped his eye and dropped onto Luna's neck. The thought of Erik being the one to hold his wife captive as a child upset him even more. Luna slowly turned in his arms so she was facing him and wiped the tear away, kissing him as she closed her eyes again.

In the living room, Elijah was comforting his sister who had woken up early in the morning and cried for her niece. With Erik's return they couldn't stop thinking about her.

Elijah had been there when Kenna was born and he had formed quite the attachment to her. He had adored her as if she was his own in a way. When she was a child Kenna was quite attached to her uncle Elijah and when her father was busy she loved spending the day with Elijah.

Sitting next to Elijah, Rebekah was staring ahead of her. She hadn't slept much and the red eyes indicated that she had very obviously been crying. She had been very close to Kenna given that they were of a similar age. They had been best friends. It had been Rebekah who would sit with Kenna and discuss whatever rumours were floating around the village. Kenna's execution had been scarred into her memories and after a thousand years she never forgot that day for a second.

Aria made her way to the living room and noticed the two siblings. It was clear that Rebekah had recently been crying so she sat down in between the brother and sister, gently pulling Rebekah so her head laid on her shoulder.

The older original had tried to convince Erik to spare Kenna but it was no use. No matter how much she pleaded with him, he refused to let the girl live. She had always known that her husband was a hateful man, but she had hoped to convince him just one time. Both of their children, Sebastian and Erika, had been killed when they were young, a simple hunting accident that left the eight and six year old dead. Since that day Erik had grown colder and colder until he had become the man that would brutally execute a sixteen year old girl.

Her children's death had the opposite effect on Aria, it had made her cherish the lives of her family all the more.

In Klaus' room, the hybrid was sitting on the couch, peaceful as he drew. He adored Kenna. Mikael had told Kenna on multiple occasions that Klaus was an abomination and that she should hate him, but she never listened. There was one day when he had angered Mikael and Kenna had noticed. She knew what would happen so she threw herself on the ground and pretended that she had fallen and hurt herself. It had distracted Mikael long enough for him to calm down some. While it did not stop Mikael from punishing him, it allowed Mikael to calm his temper beforehand, making Klaus' punishment less painful than it would have been. She had only been twelve at the time and Klaus would always be grateful for all the times Kenna had helped him when it came to Mikael.

And then there was Finn.

Finn had not moved from his bed, in fact he had barely moved at all. He hadn't slept and he hadn't cried all night. It was like he was numb to the pain of losing his daughter. Discussing Erik had brought up memories of that dreadful day. The day his daughter was killed and he had been forced to watch her brutal execution by the cruel man that had married his aunt.

He knew that he was lucky enough to have had Kenna for sixteen years without Dahlia coming for her. He thought that his wicked aunt Dahlia would have come to him long before and demanded he hand over his daughter. While his siblings had no idea what actually happened to Freya, Finn knew all too well what really happened. It was the reason he had grown somewhat distant to his family a thousand years ago. He couldn't stand to be around his mother, the woman that allowed her sister to take her first born child and had ended up putting his daughter at risk of being taken by the same woman. 

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