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After fleeing the house that Grace, Trevor and Rose were hiding out in waiting for Elijah to show up, Luna had made it to a town that was four hour away and settled into a hotel for a few days. This was the closest she had knowingly been to an original in a long time and she was jumpy and paranoid.

She knew that she had to get moving as soon as she could in order to escape detection, she had no idea if the originals had any allies in this town so she was eager to leave.

In hindsight she knew she should have kept driving instead of stopping at the hotel. The pit of dread that filled her stomach told her that she needed to get out of town and soon.

It was early in the morning when Luna was leaving the hotel and as she rushed down the street she was swept into an alley she was walking passed. Her head roughly hits the bricks behind her as she is pushed up against the wall, a hand partially blocking her airway as she is held against the wall.

Her eyes widen in fear when she looks at the man in front of her. "Hello, Luna," he said, his prominent accent bringing back years worth of memories.

"Elijah," she croaks out fearfully before Elijah drops her to the floor. She coughs on the floor before looking up at the original standing above her. Fear coursed through her veins as she slowly pulled herself off the floor.

Luna stared at the man who used to be one of her closest friends as her mind raced with possible outcomes of this situation.

Elijah looked down at the woman in front of him, the woman who used to be like a sister to him. "Your Father and Uncle are lucky to be alive," he said, watching as Luna tensed at the mention of her two family members. "They staked me. Under usual circumstances I would have torn their hearts from their chests, but lucky for you, I need them."

"Why?" Luna asked, still utterly terrified.

"They will keep the doppelganger safe, which is also why I'm here," he explained to the visibly nervous girl in front of him as she shifted around anxiously. "I need you to go to Mystic Falls and ensure that she stays safe."

The blonde vampire looked at him in confusion. "Why me?" she asked, anxious to know what plans he has for her.

"For one, Luna, you are undoubtedly one of the most resourceful vampires I've met in a long time given that you have managed to evade my family since 1919," he explained. "And, of course, I need someone who is not stupid enough to betray me," he paused, shooting me a pointed look. "So do we have a deal?"

Luna stared at the vampire in front of her, she wasn't stupid, she knew that it wasn't a question and that she was not allowed to say no to him. "Do I actually have a choice?" she asked.

Elijah smirked in response to the question, confirming Luna's thoughts. "What do you think?" he asked.

The blonde sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. She opened her eyes and looked Elijah in the eyes, "fine," she said. "Okay, I'll do it."



A few hours later Luna had reached Mystic Falls, she had to take several deep breaths as the memories of her childhood assaulted her. This was the first time she had stepped foot into this town since 1864.

When her Father and Uncle had been turned chasing after Katherine, Luna had disappeared. Damon had gone looking for her after he had turned only to find that she was missing. Over the years, no one ever figured out what happened to her which left both Stefan and Damon devastated.

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