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Having not heard anything from either Esther or Erik had Luna worried, she knew it was only a matter of time before one of them made an appearance but it worried her that she had no idea when it would happen. Also, as of right now, they didn't have a solid plan to deal with either of them, especially Erik.

With Rebekah and Grace spending some time together and the others off doing their own things, Luna wanted to spend the day with her husband.

She was sitting in her bed while Kol was sitting in one of the chairs in the room reading through some of the old grimoires he had collected over the years. It was no secret that Kol missed having his magic.

"Kol," Luna said, standing up from the bed.

"Yes, my love?" he replied, looking up from the book in his hands. He put the book down when he noticed his wife approaching him with a small pout on her face.

Luna continued to pout as she sat down in Kol's lap. "I'm bored," she said.

Kol smiled and began kissing her shoulder as she sat on his lap. "What do you want to do?" he asked her.

Luna smirked and turned so she was looking directly at him. The look on her face was one that Kol could always read, he smirked and picked her up from his lap. He ran her over to the bed and dropped her on top of the soft mattress.

Luna looked up at him, immediately pulling him down so she could kiss him. They separated for a brief moment so Luna could rip Kol's t-shirt off but he quickly reattached his lips to hers.

It was times like this that the other residents of the house should be glad that they all invested in some good sound proofing for the bedrooms.

Hours later Luna lay in bed with her head on her husband's bare chest as he ran his fingers gently through her hair. The two had been lying in a peaceful silence as they simply enjoyed each other's presence.

"Do you have any idea how much i've missed you?" Luna said, kissing his chest once as she enjoyed the feeling of Kol running his fingers through her hair.

Kol smirked, glancing down at her. "I'd say quite a lot if I take the last few hours into consideration," he said, silently gloating.

Luna laughed just as her phone alerts her to a text. She groaned and blindly reached back to find her phone. When she looked at the message she saw that it was Aria asking her if the two were planning on coming out of the room anytime soon.

The blonde laughed before the couple decided to get up and put some clothes on so they could go down stairs. As they entered the living room Luna was still tying up her messy hair and when she looked up she saw that the living room was full of the rest of the Mikaelson family.

Klaus smirked at Luna when he saw her which earned him a glare from the blonde in return. "Not a word, Nik," she said knowing that he wanted to tease her and Kol about what they had been doing.

The hybrid held his hands up, an innocent look gracing his face, "I wasn't going to say anything," he said, defending himself even though he was definitely going to say something.

Luna sent him a look saying that she did not believe a word that came out of his mouth. She gave him one more glare before she sat down on one of the couches, curling into Kol's side.

She looked around the room at each of the other Mikaelsons. Rebekah and Finn were sitting on the other couch while Klaus was sitting in one of the chairs next to the fireplace. Luna smiled slightly as she looked over at Elijah who was sitting with Grace in his lap.

"So, I think I've figured out who let Erik out of the crypt," Aria said, speaking up from the couch beside Kol and Luna.

"Who?" Grace asked curiously.

"In hindsight we should have guessed," the older original replied. "It was Esther."

"That probably should have been the obvious guess," Grace commented and everyone else agreed.

"They also gave me a message," Aria said, gaining everyone's attention. "They said that we should stand down and allow Esther to fix her mistake. They're planning on killing us."

"Well isn't that bloody fantastic," Kol retorted sarcastically just as Luna's phone vibrates in her hand.

Luna looked down at her phone and smiled slightly at the message, some of her worry drifting away.


The next day Luna was heading down the driveway towards her car and Kol was following close behind. She had to head out to meet someone and Kol refused to let her go alone. Though given what happened the last time Luna left to meet someone, she understood his worry over her.

"So who are we meeting?" Kol asked as the couple drove past the town line.

Luna hesitated, she had no idea what to tell him. "I may have left something out about the last time we took Erik down," she said. "The witch that helped us was - different. She was turned into a vampire but she was able to keep her powers."

Kol glanced at Luna, surprised since it hadn't really been heard of before. "I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if I would be able to get in contact with her in time anyway," she added.

"Okay," Kol said, accepting the answer since he trusted his wife.

After over an hour of driving the couple arrived at an old house in the middle of nowhere. Luna walked through the house first, Kol behind her as they made their way deeper into the house. The blonde looked up and smiled when she saw the female figure stepping into her eyesight.

"It's so good to see you," Luna said as she hugged her witch friend.

"You too," she replied.

Luna took a breath and turned back to her husband who stared at the new woman in shock and confusion.

"How...?" he said, scrambling to find the words to say as he continued to stare at her.  

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