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To say that Kol was shocked would be an understatement. Out of all the people Kol could think of, he never once thought he would be seeing his supposedly dead niece.

"Kenna?" Kol said in shock as he stared at his niece.

Kenna smiled softly at her uncle, she had missed her family more than anything over the centuries and having her uncle stood in front of her seemed like a huge weight lifted off her shoulders.

"Uncle Kol," Kenna replied, her eyes still trained on her uncle.

Kol slowly brought himself out of his shocked state and made his way over to Kenna, stopping once he was directly in front of her. His eyes quickly looked over her as if to reassure himself that she was really there before pulling the girl into his arms.

"I've missed you," Kenna whispered to her uncle as tears gathered in her eyes.

"I've missed you too," he replied, his own tears slowly falling from his eyes as he tightly embraced his niece.

The two pulled away from each other and both wiped away the water from their eyes.

Luna had watched the reunion from the side, it had almost brought her to tears when she saw the two crying but she had managed to simply smile at the two instead.

Kenna nodded at Luna before she led the two to another room where the three took a seat, ready to discuss why Luna and Kol had come there.

"So what's going on?" Kenna asked, not having been told much about why Luna needed to see her. She knew that it must have been important for Luna to have sought her out now.

Kol and Luna share a look, Kol was slightly hesitant to talk about Erik with his niece. He thought it would be somewhat of a sensitive subject given that Erik had been the one to brutally execute her a thousand years ago. Though he did then realise that she had been the one to put Erik down in the first place.

Luna quickly explained what had been going on and that they needed help dealing with both Erik and Esther, to which Kenna quickly agreed.

"Erik will be fairly easy to deal with," Kenna concluded, confident that she could deal with him again. "I can put him down the same way I did last time. It would be best if we deal with him before Esther."

"I'd say that would be easily enough done," Luna commented. "He's easier to antagonise, his short temper makes him impulsive."

Kenna nodded in agreement as she thought about how to deal with Esther. She knew that dealing with the original witch was going to be much more complicated and that she would need help.

"Esther might prove to be a bigger problem," Kenna said. "Given how much witches, especially witch spirits, hate vampires, she'll have help. Probably from the spirits."

Kenna gave it some more thought and knew that she wouldn't be able to do it alone when it came to Esther. "I'll have to call someone to help with her but let me worry about that for now," she added.

"How exactly are you going to put Erik down?" Kol asked, his usual curiosity with magic showing.

Kenna smiled looking at Luna, "do you remember how we did it last time?" she asked the blonde.

Luna nodded before looking at her husband to explain. "Basically all you'd have to do is have contact with his heart," she said. "One of us anyway. We'd all need to drink some of Kenna's blood so we would be linked to her so she could do the spell."

"And she wouldn't necessarily need to be there to actually do the spell," Kol said, realising how the spell would work.

"Exactly," Kenna said with a smirk. She then used a knife to cut her hand and fill up a vial with her blood.

"Are you coming back with us?" Luna asked, taking the vial of blood from her.

Kenna shook her head, "I can't risk him seeing me yet," she said. "Text me when you want to go ahead with the plan, I'll be nearby."

Luna and Kol nodded, it wasn't long after that did the couple say goodbye to Kenna and leave for Mystic Falls.

As the couple were driving the smile on Kol's face didn't disappear and Luna noticed. She let out a brief smile knowing that seeing Kenna again had made him much happier.

Soon they were pulling up outside the Mikaelson mansion but before they left the car Luna caught her husband's attention.

"We can't tell them about her," Luna said sadly, knowing that it would be hard for him to keep Kenna from his siblings, especially Finn. "She has to be a complete surprise and they'd have too many questions that only she can answer."

"I know," Kol said, nodding. He hated the idea of not telling his siblings about Kenna given how much she meant to each of them, but he also knew that they couldn't risk Erik finding out about her.

The couple then left the car and headed to the living room of the house. As they entered Grace looked up from her book as she laid her head in Elijah's lap. Luna nodded at her friend, confirming that Kenna was ready to go ahead with the whole plan.

Luna explained the plan to everyone else and how the only challenge they would have would be separating him from Esther. Though with his temper Luna concluded that it should be fairly easy to get him to act impulsively and leave Esther behind.

"I think I know just how to get him alone," Luna said, another idea hitting her. "I'll be right back, there's something I'll need to do first."

And with that she sped out of the house, not waiting for a reply from anyone. 

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