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After the Mikaelson party Luna and Grace headed straight home. The whole night had gone as planned and now all they had to do was wait to see what their fate was after that night. They hoped that they would have the chance to explain everything and tell them the truth. Though, if they did believe the two girls' story, they didn't expect everything to immediately go back to how it was in the past, no matter how much they wanted it to.

When the next morning came around Luna left the house early and headed to her father's house. She explained to him and her uncle what had happened the night before. She also came clean about what happened in 1919, leaving out the part where she was married to an original. She felt as if they did not need to know about that just yet, at least not until she knew where she and Kol stood in terms of their relationship.

After leaving the Boarding House she headed over to the Grill where she found a seat at the bar. She sat for the next few hours while her thoughts swirled around in her head. She had no idea what was going to happen next in her life or what would happen between herself and Kol.

She was nursing a drink when she caught a very familiar scent coming into the building. She tensed as she felt Kol sit in the seat beside her. Gulping down the remainder of her drink she turned to look at the man beside her.

"Here to kill me?" she said, taking a deep breath.

"No," he said, much to her surprise. "I'm here to listen."

When she had asked him if he was there to kill her, a part of Kol's heart cracked. He had never thought or wanted it to come to a point when his own wife would be afraid of him trying to kill her. He supposed that he should have expected it, she had no reason to think otherwise.

"Why?" she asked him quietly. "Why not just kill me?"

"Because Aria told me to listen," he replied. "And I trust her more than most people."

Luna let out a small smile hearing that Aria was behind Kol's willingness to listen and not jump straight to the end. She knew that Aria wanted her family to be happy, especially Kol.

Like Luna, Aria had seen how unloved Kol had felt. They both knew that Kol needed to be told and reminded that people did care about him.

Luna took a deep breath before standing up. "Let's talk somewhere quieter," she said to him, he nodded and they both left the Grill.

They had decided to head back to Luna's house so they could talk since there was no one else there. Grace had headed out of town while things settled with the supernatural residents of Mystic Falls.

"What should we talk about?" Kol asked after a few moments of silence between him and Luna.

The blonde vampire looked at her husband for a moment before taking a deep breath. "We should talk about 1919," she said as she poured herself and Kol a drink.

"What about it?" Kol asked, shaking his head. "I think i've got a pretty good idea of what happened back then."

Luna shook her head and took a sip from her glass. "None of you actually know the truth of what happened," she said firmly. "Mikael told you that I left New Orleans to meet him, right?"

Kol nodded, listening to what she had to say. "He lied," Luna revealed. "I wasn't meeting him when I left New Orleans."

"Then who were you meeting?" Kol asked after taking a moment to take in Luna's words.

"I was meeting Aria," Luna admitted.

"Aria?" Kol repeated, shocked at the revelation. "You knew Aria in 1919?"

"She saved my life once," Luna replied. "That day in 1919, I left Aria's and headed back for New Orleans. That was when I ran into Mikael and someone had tipped him off as to who I was. He snapped my neck and when I woke up again I was tied to a chair with ropes that were laced with vervain," she said, taking a deep breath as she prepared to relive some of the worst memories she had.

Kol watched his wife as she struggled to continue talking and he had a feeling that he wasn't going to be too happy about what he was going to hear.

"When I refused to tell him where you were," she said pausing, "he tortured me for hours as he drained the vervain from my system."

She teared up as she spoke and Kol couldn't help but watch on with pain in his eyes. "The pain was excruciating but I still wouldn't tell him," she continued, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Once the vervain had left my system, he compelled me to tell him. I tried to stop myself, I swear, but in the end I couldn't stop it. I told him that you were all in New Orleans."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Kol asked, wiping away a few tears that had managed to escape his eyes.

"Mikael was...cruel," Luna replied. "He wanted to punish me for my loyalty to your family. He compelled me so I couldn't tell anyone about what had happened. Aria knew because she had someone following Mikael and he saw the whole thing, but she was too late to do anything about it."

"That's why you wanted him dead so badly," Kol concluded as he stared at his wife. He stood up and moved to stand in front of her. Luna looked up at him, tears still falling from her eyes, as he looked her in the eyes, the regret and pain clear in his eyes.

He wiped the tears from her eyes and she melted into his touch, having not felt his touch since 1919. He then pulled her to her feet and quickly planted a kiss on her lips. It took her by surprise for a second but she soon responded to him.

"I love you," he said after pulling away from her. He knew that he didn't want to go on without his wife at his side knowing that he truly loved her.

Luna smiled, relieved that he believed her and that he still loved her. "I love you too," she whispered in reply before kissing him again.

And for the majority of the day and some hours into the next morning the couple spent their time showing each other just how much they loved each other. 

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