Chapter 12

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The nose catching smell of food is still roaming around the kitchen even after an hour has passed since they finished cooking the dishes.

Jinyoung whistles the tune of his favorite song while he wipes the plates that has been cleaned by Y/N earlier. As he was playing with his phone, Y/N keep stealing glances at the older guy.

It's been a few days after he got in a relationship with Yujin and he's been thinking it's not really a good move to keep it as a secret since Jinyoung always finds out about things in the end.

"You have something to tell me?" Without even looking at Y/N, Jinyoung spoke to him. "N-no..." He keep on scrolling through his phone until he heard a chair being pulled on the opposite side.

"You've been looking at me and you're currently tapping your feet." Y/N mentally gulp and stops his action.

"Usually, those two actions are the actions you'll do when you want to tell me something but is scared of getting into trouble." Jinyoung rested his arms on the table and clasped his hands. He then proceeds to give him a death stare.

Y/N avoided his stare and kept looking at his phone. The kitchen suddenly felt warm and stuffy in a bad way. "No it's not hyung... I'm just wondering what's next in my schedule..."

Silence took over next, Jinyoung keep on staring at him and him just trying to play it out like nothing is happening right now.

"You'll eventually break Y/N-ah. Might as well give up now~" Jinyoung begins to tap the table with his fingers. Making the young man succumbs more into the pressure.


"Okay fine! I do have something to tell you..." He put down his phone and wipes his palms on his thighs. "Okay go on..." Jinyoung leans back on his chair and awaits for him to finally spill the beans.

"I...I confessed to Yujin the other day..." He told Jinyoung. Without looking anywhere near his face of course.


"She likes me too... And we're a couple now..."

"Alright then..." Y/N expect more things to come out from Jinyoung's mouth but he only took out his phone.

'Ah this is bad... He must be telling the CEO about me...'

"Hyung I'm sorry. I know I must take care of my reputation and and--" Jinyoung put his phone on the table and slide it to him. "Look at my last text." Confusion was plastered all over his face as he picks up the phone.

His eyes widen when he saw the name Eunbi on top of the text. He reads the text and got confused with it. "I won. Give me my 50,000 ₩? What's this hyung?" He looked up and met with a smirking Jinyoung.

"We bet who'll confess first and since you confessed, I won." He took back the phone from Y/N. "You guys were betting on that? How could you hyung?" At least he can feel better knowing Jinyoung didn't contact the CEO.

"Now I know at least you have the balls to do it. Good job lil brother." Jinyoung slaps his shoulder. "Now. You both are celebrities and I think you're old enough to think about what will happen if people find out." Y/N nodded at what Jinyoung said.

The manager is right. One wrong move, everything can fall down.

"Got it hyung. We'll be careful."

Time skip...

The city starts to illuminate with lights. People are starting to fill the streets, some are getting off work and returning to their family. Some are hanging out with their co-workers. Whatever it is, day has become night. And at night, bad people starts to run around the city...

"Yujinnie! What are you doing?" Y/N picks up her call almost immediately after his phone rung. "I'm just taking a walk right now." She kicks little pebbles from the sidewalk.

"At this time? Alone? Yah are you crazy!?" He looked at the wall clock and it's already 10:30. "I'll be fine! It's safe her-- ah sir... What-- Y/N!! Nea-- Jongro!--" The line got cut off.

"Yujin! Yujin!? Shit!" He grabbed his coat and ran down from his apartment. When Y/N got to the street level, he hailed a cab and told the driver to drive around Jongro district.

Heart is pounding, sweat is streaming down his face. The cold air conditioning of the cab didn't have any effect on him right now.

"Your friend is around Jongro right? I think I know which area to look for her." The cab driver floor the car and they race through the streets of Seoul.

They search around Jongro for fifteen minutes until Y/N can see Yujin hanging out in front of a convenient store, drinking a can of Milkis.

He payed the driver before sprinting out of the car to her.

"Yah!! Are you okay!? Where's the bad man!?" He looks around their surrounding, turning his head like he's some sort of killer robot looking for its enemies.

"I'm okay. Hehe are you worried? It's just a little prank." His already wide eyes got even wider. "A prank!? Yah Bluejin are you crazy!!? You know how worried I am for you!!?" Yujin's happy face turns to a sad one. She realized she's gone too far this time.

"I'm sorry. I just want to see if you care about me or not..."

"Are you crazy!!? I just confessed a few days ago and you have your doubts about me not caring about you!? Pabo!" He pulls a chair, took her Milkis and drinks it.

"My Milkis....." Yujin pouts. He stops drinking it and gave her an unsatisfied look. "What? This is your fault! Making me worried and all." He clicks his tongue and gave her a glare.

He finished the can and slammed it on the table. "Look, please Ahn Yujin. Don't ever do that again." He pulls her chair to face him. "I already lose someone I love in the past. I can't lose another one now." Yujin is dissapointed in herself but his little sweet talk did gave her a little butterfly in the stomach.

She's still looking down, feeling guilty. He took this chance to lean in and kiss her head. "As long as you promise not to do that again, I'll forgive you." He holds her chin and bring her head to look up again.

Finally, a smile can be seen from Yujin. Like their usual teasing, Y/N can't be the only one that gives her butterflies. She swiftly move forward and kiss him on the lips.

"Yah! Tell me next time if you want to kiss!"

"Hehe, I like giving you surprises."

The couple kept talking and laughing not aware about their surrounding.


"Got you." Bad people starts to run around the city at night.....


Here. A little something to make the app less "quiet".

Stay safe. 👋


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