Chapter 3

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"Alright everyone! Get into position." The director ordered all of the crew and actors to get ready.


With that, the first day of filming for University 2020 has begun. Their location for today is none other than Korea University, located in Seoul.

The scene they're filming now is how Y/N met Yujin in the series. The scene is simple, Yujin will get into trouble with some students and Y/N will step in and save her. A typical scene in kdrama.

Like how it is, they carry out the scene without a hitch. Their chemistry is surprisingly good with each other, well, only during filming.

"Y/N-ssi how should we do the next scene?" She asked him while trying to hide her excitement. "Like in the script Yujin-ssi." Yujin was taken aback by his response. It sounded sarcastic.

"I mean wh--"

"You just do you, and I'll do me. That's all." He gave the fakest smile he can make to the actress and walked away leaving her. "What's wrong with him?" Yujin didn't expect the actor that she admire would be a dick.

'Is he always like that?'

She went to where Eunbi is and took a short break. "Why do you look like you're dissapointed?" Eunbi can see Yujin isn't like her usual self. She sat down beside and look around before whispering to her.

"Unnie..... Have you heard anything about Kang Y/N from the staff?"

Eunbi tilt her head, looking confused. "What do you mean?" She asked her back. "I mean... Like the staffs talking about his attitude or something?" Yujin asked her again after looking around to make sure nobody else heard her.

"Ahhh~ so you just found out huh? Yeah... They say he doesn't talk much and sometimes can be hard to handle."

"Really unnie? You could've told me about that earlier!" She whines to her. "I've embarrassed myself." Yujin pouts, showing her aegyo to Eunbi.

"You're feeling embarrass? That's a first." Eunbi smirked at her. "Unnie!! You're not helping!" Eunbi let out a laugh seeing the younger girl's struggle.

"Yujin-ah~ since when you let things like this stop you? Remember back when we first met?" Eunbi brought Yujin's head to her shoulder. "You literally annoy me into liking you Yujin-ah." She started to stroke her head.

"Is that suppose to make me feel better?"

"All I'm saying is, you're an amazing person. Just tease the heck out of him! I bet your energy can melt the coldest person." What Eunbi said gave her the boost that she needs. "You really know what to say in times like this unnie. That's why I love you!" She gave Eunbi a peck on the cheek.

"I think we're ready to film the next scene. I'm going now unnie. Fighting!"


All the actors and staffs take their position and it's time to film the next scene. A typical work day for them, start early in the morning and finished late at night.

Time skip...

The fiminal scene of today had just finished filming. It's currently 11:30 P.M. Y/N and Yujin are preoaring to leave the set. They're waiting for their managers to get their cars.

Yujin is waiting for Eunbi with Y/N standing beside her. She gather all of her courage and decided to talk to Y/N again.

"Let's do our best again tomorrow Y/N-ssi." She gave him a little smile. Y/N didn't say anything, instead he just nodded to her. "Oh and your shoe lace is untied." Y/N looked down but his laces are perfectly tied up.

"Hehe made you look Y/N-ssi~" She smirked at him. "Ah my manager is here. See you tomorrow." She said her goodbye and entered the car.

'Did she just played a prank on me?' Y/N blanked out for a moment.

"Yah Mr. Daydreamer get in." The yell from Jinyoung snaps him out of his thoughts. "Oh hyung... Sorry didn't realize you for a second there."

'Keep your cool Y/N. She can't possibly sway you.'


A few weeks into the production and everything is going well. At least well during the duration of the actual shoot. When the director yells cut, everything seems... weird?

Some of the staffs notices their behavior towards each other.

"Mr. Dongho... Do you think... Our two main actors are weird?" One of the crew members asked the main cameraman.

"Yeah, they don't have any sort of chemistry when the cameras are off. But when it's time to be in character, it's like a switch. They suddenly look like people that have known each other for years. Actors are scary."

"Yeah some of our staff also said they don't even talk behind the scene."

"Just let them be. I'm sure once they spent more time with each other they'll become friends." The cameraman said before going for his break.

In a tent near the set...

Y/N felt a sharp stare coming from his right. Yujin have been staring at him for about ten minutes now. He tried ignoring her and kept fiddling with his phone, but the pressure got to him.

"Yes Yujin-ssi, what do you want?" After trying to ignore her existence for ten minutes, he finally decided to entertain her.

"Nothing. I'm just staring at you until you talk to me and now I have succeeded!" She pumps her fist up in the air. "Have anyone ever told you that you talk too much?" He smirked at her.

'That will get her. She'll back off now.'

"Have anyone told you that you're too quiet Y/N-ssi?" He choked on his saliva after hearing her answer. Jinyoung who's slightly further than them heard this and laughed silently.

"I'm not quiet!" He's feeling quite flustered at the moment but he can't go down without a fight. "You are! Except for now hehe, you're talking a lot now." Yujin felt like she has won this time.

"Hmmph. Whatever." He goes back on his phone, scrolling away. "See you in our next scene Y/N-ssi." Yujin managed to pinch his cheek before she leaves.

"Aishh that girl!"

"HAHAHA! Yah! She totally got you." Jinyoung walked to him, feeling satisfied from what he saw earlier. "Hyung, she's playing with me. Don't be on her side." Y/N felt unsatisfied.

"She's just trying to talk to you. Try having a conversation with her Y/N-ah, you're her co-worker and you guys have the same age. Surely you two can be friends."

"We're not going to be friends hyung. I hate her." He sighs.

"I'm not sure about that Y/N. Hate can turn to something else." He winked at him. "I got to call the producer from the web variety series. See you later." Jinyoung walked out of the tent.

'Something else? What did he meant?'


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