"We Believed In You"

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A few days later. At a warehouse. 

I asked kinda annoyed "so now Malcolm Merlyn can summon us. "

Fel shook her head "i really don't like the idea that he can summon us"

Laurel "any idea what this is about?"

Dig shook his head "No, but Merlyn assures me he'll be waving the white flag"

Merlyn walked to us "i am sorry, i forgot the flag"

Me "that's too bad. I would've rammed  it up your a-"

Dig warned me "Cat"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest  "what is this about, Merlyn?"

Merlyn "this won't be easy for all of you to believe-"

Me "Try us"

Merlyn "  Oliver. his allegiance with the League is a charade"

I scoffed, shaking my head. 

Merlyn "this plan was born the moment Oliver realized that he had to capitulate to Ra's to save Thea. "

Dg "and inseead of sharing this plan with us, he trusted you. "

Laurel "the man who had my sister murdered"

Merlyn "i am better practiced in the art of deception and, no offence, none of you are good actors"

Then he looked at me "Excpet from you, but Oliver didn't want to include you"

I rolled my eyes.

Dig "i am out"

Merlyn "you've seen for yourselves how dangerous Ra's and the League are. The circle of trust had to be small as possible-"

I snapped "what changed?"

Dig "Forget it. There's nothing he could say that we could believe"

Merlyn  "Mr. Diggle's right. Which is why i brought a long a fried of Oliver's"

The door opened and a woman walked in. 

The woman "my name is Tatsu Yamashiro. and your city it in great danger"

Fel asked Merlyn "you expect us to believe her? we never even met her"

Tatsu "apart from my brief time heling Oliver recover from the wounds Ra's al Ghul inflicted on him, my lfe has been one of isolation"

Dig "okay, Merlyn. This is your big plan? a woman we've never met or even heard of?"

Tatsu "Oliver doesn't speak about the past"

Fel "He's not forthcoming about the present, either" 

Tatsu "my son was killed by the virus Ra's intends to use on your city."

I froze "you're Akio's mother"

Tatsu "Oliver was with me when it happened. He knows that the danger you all face is very real"

Laurel looked at us "okay, how many times ar we gonna believe him after everything that he's done?"

Tatsu "i am not privy to your history with Malcolm. This request comes from Oliver"

Dig "We're not sure that's any better at the moment"

 Merlyn "Look, i am not playing a game here. My daughter lives in this city, remember?"

Me "you mean the daughter you poised and used as a marionette to kill her brother's ex girlfriend? wow"

Merlyn shot me a look before he handed Dig a laptop "this is everything i aheve on the bio-weapon. I've arranged for all of us to go to Nana Parbat. If you're coming, be at Ferris Air before sunrise"

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