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Night. The hide out.

Diggle "Looks like Felicity came through. "

I rolled with the chair over to him. Oliver walked to us.

Diggle looked at the computer "the Solvet used in the Vertigo sample was runoff water originated within a 10-block radius of where East Glades mets the bay. "

He showed us the map on the computer "nothing there except an old detention center abandoned about three years ago. Cutbacks"

I heard Oliver walking away.

I turned around "you can't go out there, Oliver. You're still suffering the after effect of Vertigo"

Oliver "Did you hear the Count? he's taking this drug citywide. We don't stop him, this becomes an epidemic."

Diggle stood up and walked to him "i can stop you from leaving. "

Oliver challenged "Try"

Diggle grabbed a Tennisball and took a few steps away from Oliver "Oliver, you hit this and you can leave"

Oliver grabbed his bow and an arrow  and aimed at the ball.

I raised an eyebrow when hesitated. I could see his hand shaking.

He put the bow down.

Diggle "I'm glad you came to your senses. "

Oliver put his bow back to its place "you should remember one thing, Dig. "

Diggle "what's that?"

Oliver "i don't need the bow"

I raised an eyebrow and watched Oliver leaving.

Diggle looked at me.

I sighed and stood up "voy pa ya"

At the abandoned center.

I could see Oliver fighting three men in the staircase. And then i saw him get beaten up by guys.

I rolled my eyes and helped him. I pushed one guy down the stairs and kicked the other one in the face.

Oliver looked at me.

I nodded "yeah, you're doing great, Oliver"

He rolled his eyes and we moved up the stairs.

We walked into the main room and i could see woman running out. A guy started shooting at us. I hid behind a shelf and took a knife out. I threw it at him and hit his wrist, making him drop the gun.

Suddenly i heard glass breaking. I looked around and saw Oliver slamming another guy down at the glass table.

Suddenly a gun was pointed at Oliver by The Count.

The Count "you should have stuck o your depraved elite. I'm merely providing people with what they want. I'm providing a public service. "

Oliver "so am i"

then he threw something at The Count that made him distracted. Oliver jumped at the table and twisted The Count's arm, making him drop the gun. I could see Oliver injecting the Count something.

The Count groaned.

Oliver "enfruit the fruits of your labor"

Then he pressed the syringe down.

Suddenly the police showed up "Freeze"

Oliver held the Count in front of him and i moved behind him.

Lance "put down the needle or i will shoot you. Put down the syringe"

Oliver "he deserves this"

Lance "not according to the law. People think you're a hero people like my daughter if they could see you now. You're no hero. You're what i always said you were. A killer"

Oliver looked at me and i nodded.

Suddenly he shoved the Count to Lance and we got out of there. 

At the hide out. 

Me "Oliver"

He ignored me. 

I raised my voice "Oliver!"

He stopped walking and turned to me "what?"

Me "what were you thinking?"

Oliver "I could ask you the same thing, Catalina, what were you doing there? i had it handled"

I scoffed amused "i could see that. If i hadn't showed up there, you-"

Oliver "i would've been fine"

I shook my head "no, you wouldn't have"

He looked away. 

Me "We're a team, Oliver, we're in this together. So stop with the solo-trips."

He scoffed, making me scoff too.

I nodded "okay"

I walked to him and put all my weapons on the metal table next to him.

Oliver raised an eyebrow "what are you doing?"

Suddenly i threw a punch at him and he fell against the table behind him. 

Oliver held his jaw "really, Catalina?"

I went to kick him but he grabbed my leg and spun me around and i landed on my hands. 

Oliver shook his head "I'm not gonna fight you"

Me "you won't have a choice"

I threw a punch at him and he grabbed my wrist and turned me around to put me in a headlock. 

Oliver "enough, Catalina"

I kicked his chin with my heel and twisted his arm around, making his back face me. 

I pushed him against the table "It's not enough, Oliver"

Oliver "what are you trying to do with this?"

Me "you'll see"

He pushed the table to me and i moved to the side but he grabbed me and slammed me to the ground. He twisted us around and, grabbed the knife out of my boot and held hit against his throat. 

His eyes widened. 

Me "No one out there will fight clean, Oliver, trust me"

Oliver nodded "i know"

Then he slapped my hand away, making me drop the knife and twisted us around so that he was on top. He put a hand around my throat but wasn't putting any pressure on it.

We were both breathing hard. 

Oliver "don't ever think of me as some cheap fighter"

I tried to catch my breath, shaking my head  "i would never"

His eyes softened. 

Suddenly Diggle walked inside "what is going on here?"

Oliver stood up "nothing. Catalina was only teaching me a lesson"

Then he helped me up. 

Diggle "You weren't trying to kill each other, were you?"

Me "I gave my best"

Flores (Oliver Queen)Where stories live. Discover now