"What's The Undertaking?"

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At the hide out. Night.

I punched the punchingbag harder and harder. I was training and well, i was training.

Diggle walked inside.

Me "hola, Dig"

He walked straight to the monitores. I stopped punching and looked at him.

 I asked worried "Estas bien?"

Oliver walked inside.

Dig "Thanks for coming. It didn't seem like a good idea to talk about this at your house. "

Oliver "Yeah, it would have been a little awkward for you to explain to my mother that you're spying on her. "

Dig shook his head "No, man. Awkward part's coming up. "

Oliver asked shocked "You bugged my mother? "

Dig gave him a device "Just listen. "

Oliver turned it on.

Moira "It's taken care of. I've taken care of it. Carl Ballard will not be a problem anymore. "

There was another voice "Given your propensity for squeamishness, I'm assuming that Mr. Ballard remains in good health. "

Moira "I made it clear to him persuasively that his plans endangered the undertaking. I didn't have to make the usual threats. "

Voice "Excellent. Now, one more matter to attend to. I need you to have to contents of this address removed and disposed of thoroughly. The warehouse where you're storing the remains of "the Queen's Gambit"."

Moira " I already told you, I knew Robert's yacht was sabotaged. "

He turned it off.

I froze and looked at Oliver "Ollie-"

There were tears in his eyes "The yacht was sabotaged. Somebody tried to kill my father and Pedro. "

Dig nodded "And your mother was involved somehow. "

Oliver shook his head "You do not know that she was involved, Diggle!"

Dig " What I do know Oliver, and so do you, is that she kept this a secret. Why would she do that if she didn't have something to hide? "

A cell phone buzzed.

Oliver took it out and answered it. 

It was the Hood-phone.

Oliver "You have three seconds before I have this line permanently disconnected."

Then he looked at me with wide eyes.

At a rooftop.

Oliver and i showed up behind Lance.

Me "Detective. If this is another trick, you will not like the consequences. "

Lance turned to us "I'm not particularly happy right now. I hate you both. I hate everything you stand for. But this lunatic has my little girl. He left this behind as some kind of ransom note. "

Me "His name is Cyrus Vanch."

Lance " Jeez... He'll kill her if he doesn't get to you. "

Oliver "He'll kill her anyway. So why come to me?"

Lance " It's a pretty tight circle that knows about you and my daughter working together. If Vanch knows, it's because someone at the precinct talked. There isn't anybody else I could trust."

Oliver " Vanch is holed up in a mansion. It's a heavily fortified position. I was there. Santana and i can't take it by ourselves. "

Lance "I need your help. "

Oliver "Then I need yours. "

At Vanch's mansion.

Oliver looked at me and nodded.

I nodded and he shot the first row of men with his arrows. I jumped out of my hiding place and threw a knife at a guy that was running out with his gun.

Ollie and i moved fast. We ran around and took down the guys.

Suddenly i saw two sharpshooters on the roof.

Oliver and i took both of them out.

Then we walked closer to the the main building and took down the other men. We walked inside. I quickly moved to hide when Oliver got caught.

Vanch "...24 is the exact number of arrows he carries in his quiver and flechettes around his forearm. "

He was brought to a table where Laurel was sitting at.

Vanch chuckled "Lose the bow, Merida. Ventilate him. "

Lance stormed inside with a gun pointed at Vanch "My daughter! My little girl!"

I quickly jumped behind Vanch and held a knife around his throat but turned him around to go between him and the gun.

Lance "out of the way, Santana"

Oliver slapped the gun out of Lance's hand "I'm the Vigilante. You're the cop. "

Lance "That doesn't mean I have to read the bastard his rights, though."

I rolled my eyes and knocked Vanch out and left the mansion with Oliver.

At the hide out.

I walked back into the room in my normal clothes and saw Oliver sitting on the table and listening to the audio tape again

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I walked back into the room in my normal clothes and saw Oliver sitting on the table and listening to the audio tape again.

Moira " I made it clear to him persuasively that his plans endangered the undertaking. I didn't have to make the usual threats. "

I sighed "Oliver "

Oliver "I've listened to this 15 times. It's definitely her voice. I just... I can't believe it's her. "

Me "We all have blind spots when it comes to la familia . "

Oliver nodded  "Yeah. Laurel's almost got her killed tonight. Vanch never would have known about her connection to me if Lance hadn't have lied to her. I guess the lesson here is blind trust can be dangerous. "

He turned the audio tape on " I made it clear to him persuasively that his plans endangered the undertaking. I didn't have to make the usual threats. "

He turned it off.

I asked confused " What's the Undertaking? "

He shook his head "I don't know. But with all this talk about threats, it can't be good. "

He looked at me "You warned me that if she was lying would be to cover up her involvement in something dangerous. I need to know what The Undertaking is"

He grabbed his bow. 

I raised an eyebrow "y que vas hacer?"

He stood up " I'm gonna have a chat with my mother"

Then he walked out.

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