1.6 You're The Hood

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At the auction.

I walked inside the building. Soft Jazz music was playing and rich ass people were drinking champagne. 

I looked around and saw a detective arresting Warren Paetl "I need you to come with me, sir"

The guy looked confused but left with the police. 


I was walking around.

Why hasn't Deadshot pulled the damn trigger already?

I saw Oliver walking to me, he put a hand on my lower back pushing me to him.

I put my hands on his chest pushing my self away from him "Oliver?"

Oliver looked around "you need to get out of here"

Me "If it's about last night then-"

Oliver looked me in the eyes  "do you trust me?"

Suddenly we heard a gunshot and Oliver covered my body with his.

A woman started to scream.

Oliver looked around and then to me "you need to get out of here"

Then he ran away. 


I ran up the staircase in these heels. boy was that stupid. I opened a room and grabbed the bag i had hidden in here. Then i got into my suit and followed Deadshot.

He was in the building next to this one. A cat jump away from me.

Suddenly i saw him fighting the Hood.

Me "Damn it"

I kicked the window in and made a few steps back "here we go"

Then I ran and jumped out of the window right into the window of the building across from me.

I crashed through the window and landed on my knees and quickly hid behind a post. 

The gunshots started.

I grabbed a knife from my belt.

Suddenly it stopped.

I looked around the corner and saw Deadshot looking for the Hood. 

 I saw a railing on the ceiling. I jumped up and held onto the railing.

Then i moved towards him. 

i jumped on his shoulders and rammed the knife in his eye. He yelled and dropped to the ground. 

I looked at him. He's dead. 

Suddenly i felt something covering my mouth and nose and then everything went black.

At Oliver's hide out.

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I was laying on the table without my mask on.

I sat up and looked around. I was still a little bit dizzy.

My eyes widened when i saw him "Oliver?"

He was standing there in the Hood costume.

I stood up, shocked and confused "You're the vigilante?"

He nodded. 

I threw a punch at him but he easily moved away.

Oliver "easy, Cata, you were knocked out"

Me "because you knocked me out!"

I hit his chest but he didn't flinch. 

Then I hit him over and over again and he let me "you asshole"

Oliver then grabbed my wrists "I could've taken you anywhere. Could've taken you home. I brought you here. "

Me "You're insane"

Oliver "Found couple of things along the way"

I asked irritated "like fucking Archery classes?"

Oliver "Clarity. The clarity you found when your father died. "

I growled "Don't you dare dragging him into this!"

Oliver "you know as well as i know that Starling City is dying. It is being poisoned by a criminal elite.. who don't care who they hurt..as long as they maintain wealth and power"

I asked irritated "do you think i don't know that, Oliver?"

Oliver "i want you to join me"

I scoffed.

Oliver "I've seen you fight, i've researched you."

I broke out of his grip, irritated "You've researched me? Oliver, we've known each other since the day we were born!"

Oliver "i was talking about Santana"

I looked away. 

Oliver "You became Santana for the same reason i became the vigilante. Join me. Help me cure this city. Together we can make that happen"

I shook my head "Maybe you were right about staying away from each other"

Then i walked out. 

Flores (Oliver Queen)Where stories live. Discover now