Facing The Archer

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Near the warehouse.

Oliver looked at me "you sure?"

Me "just shoot the arrow"

He shot the arrow that had a long string on it.

He grabbed me and flew us over the string and to the warehouse roof. We crashed through the window and landed on the ground.

The hostages yelled.

Oliver and i cut the their hands free.

Me "wher is he?"

A woman "i don't know"

Me "Everything's going to be okay. Follow us"

Oliver and i walked with th other out the door.

Oliver stopped at the staircase "up the the roof"

They ran up the stairs.

Woman "what about-?"

Oliver "We'll handle him. Move"


Ollie and i had separated to look for the archer.

I stopped walking when i heard fighting noise.

I ran into the direction and saw them fighting.

I climbed up a post and held onto the railing on the ceiling.

Then i heard Oliver yell in pain.

i took my throwing knife out but the Archer was running around.

Oliver couldn't catch the archer. he was gone.

I looked around but could find him either. 

Suddenly he was behind Oliver shooting arrows at Ollie's back. He yelled in pain. He was going to shoot another arrow but i threw a knife at his bow. It cut right through the string and the archer looked up to me. 

Suddenly he threw a knife at me but i ducked and fell of the railing. I groaned when i hit the ground. The air was sucked out of my lungs. 

I looked at the Archer and saw him kicked Oliver over and over again.

Archer "i know about the list. The man who authored it wants the two of you dead. They call you the hood, let's see what you look like without it. He grabbed Oliver.

I grabbed one of my knifes and threw it at the archer. It hit him in the leg and he yelled. 

Oliver took it out and knocked the archer out with it.

I stood up and coughed. 

Then i walked to Oliver and helped him up  "come on"

He put an arm around me and we tripped to a window. He had three arrows stuck in him.

Me "hold on"

I grabbed a knife and shortened the arrows, but leaving the actually blade in Oliver.

He opened a window.

I was going to go first but Oliver held me back.

Oliver "Let me "

Then he jumped out of th window and landed with the back on a container. He yelled and i grimaced. I jumped out of the window and landed on t the ground like a cat. I grabbed Oliver who was pretty beaten up.

I put finger on my ear device "Dig, we kinda need your help"

At the hospital.

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