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Sorry I've been gone for a while I couldn't find a good time to update but I'm back with a new chapter so hope u enjoy!

Todoroki's pov
I was chilling in the common room of the dorms when Mr Aizawa called me over. "Yes sir?" I asked.
"It seems that Kirishima was fighting a villain on patrol yesterday night and he got hit by the villains quirk" he stated. "Is he ok?"I asked with a hint of worry laced in my voice. "Yes he's fine, the villain's quirk is an age reverse quirk so Kirishima is back to being a child. As you are the closest to him, can you please look after him until he is back to normal. The quirk should wear off in 2-3 days and you will be excused from lessons. I'll get someone to send over your work" Mr Aizawa explained. "Ok sir, so where is he?" I asked. "He's in his dorm room at the moment so you can just go up there when you're ready".
"Ok thanks sir".

I made my way up the stairs towards Kirishima's room and opened the door slightly to see a sleeping black-haired child laying fast asleep on the bed under the crimson riot duvet. As I walked over to him, his eyes started to open and he looked up at me sleepily, rubbing his eyes. "Todowoki? What you doing here?" He asked adorably.
"I'm here to look after you until the quirk wears off" I replied. "Oki!" He climbed out of bed, rolling down onto the floor and standing on his little legs. I noticed he was only wearing an oversized shirt so I decided to grab something that would fit him better. "I'm just going to get some better clothes for you ok Kirishima? I'll be back in a minute". I got up and went to my house as quickly as I could and went through all my old toys and clothes until I found a little dragon onesie and a blue stuffed shark toy. (His house isn't far from the school) I quickly ran back to the dorms and to Kirishima's room with the things for him in my hand. When I open the door he ran up to me and hugged my leg. "Todowoki where you goooo?" He asked. I just held up the onsie and shark toy and said "I went to grab these for you". His eyes lit up and he let go of my leg, jumping happily around the room.

Mini time skip
After getting him changed he said "I'm hungwy can we get food pwease?"
"Sure let's go" I smiled back, grabbing his tiny hand and walking to the elevator. "You know you're pretty when you smile, you shood smile more" he stated happily. I chuckled and said "thanks".
When we got down to the common room, the only people in there were the rest of the bakusquad and Midoriya, Uraraka and Tokoyami. Bakugou was in the kitchen cooking soba. He gave me two bowls of it, one smaller than the other for Kirishima and one for me. He then yelled "come and get some food you extras!". I walked over to Kirishima and gave him his bowl. When we finished eating, Kiri had some around his mouth so I wiped it off and picked him up, going to sit on the sofa. I sat him next to me and Mina asked if we should watch a movie. I said yes but told her not to put on anything too scary because of Kiri-wait why do I keep calling him that? To be honest, it's kind of cute for him, being a child and all.
Halfway through the movie I felt shuffling and movement on my lap as I realised kiri had moved to sit on my lap. I smiled slightly and wrapped my arms around him. After a while I could hear soft snores and I looked down to find an adorable sight. Kiri had fell asleep in my lap. After a while my own eyes started to close, my mind drifting slowly out of consciousness.

Mina's pov
When the movie had finished everyone started to stretch and get up to go to bed except for two people who were already asleep. I looked over and almost squealed at the sight. Todoroki was asleep with his head nodding to the side, his hair swept in his face slightly and a small Eijiro curled up in a ball on Todoroki's lap. I snapped a ton of pictures sending them to all the girls in the class on the group chat. I then threw a blanket over them and left to get some sleep.

In the morning
Todoroki's pov
I slowly opened my eyes waking up in an unusual place until I realised I must of fell asleep in the common room after the movie. I looked to my lap to see Kiri only just waking up from my movement probably. "*yawn* morning" he said stretching.
"Morning" I replied back, "you hungry?"
"Yeah" he replied. I got up, moving him to sit down on the sofa and went to go make cereal for both of us. It was about 10:30 am so we had managed to sleep through breakfast somehow. Must have been tired. I brought the cereal over and we started eating.
Time skip
I decided to take Kiri to the park today so we were walking down the street towards the park. When we got there,kiri ran straight for the slide and went down it. I sat over on the bench watching him to make sure we was safe. After a while he ran up to me. " can you push me on the swing pwease Todowoki?" He asked.
"Sure" I got up and he sat in the swing. I started pushing him gently. He got bored after a while and went over to the sea saw. I went back over to the bench as he was playing on there with another kid. I looked up to check on him again and there was a strange man approaching them. Parental instincts kicked in and I ran over there and confronted him. " what do you think you're doing?" I asked well aware and picked Kiri up in my arms. He wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his head in my shoulder. The mother of the other child came over and thanked me as the guy ran off.

We made our way back to the dorms and Kiri had fallen asleep again on me. When we made it home, I payed Kiri down and tucked him in bed. I was about to walk out when I heard a faint "stay". I turned around to the small child smiling softly at him and walking over, getting into bed with him and wrapping him up in my warm arms. We then drifted to sleep.

In the morning
I felt my arms being wrapped around something bigger as I woke up. I opened my eyes to see that Kiri had returned to normal. He started to stir and open his eyes, looking at me. "Morning" as he said that his eyes widened and he ran to the mirror. "I'm back to normal!" I heard from the bathroom. I chuckled and made my way over with a top and joggers to wear and threw them at him as he was jumping excitedly. "Yep you definitely are".

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