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Credit to the artist

New year's Eve at UA
Everyone from 1-A decided to throw a celebration New Year's party. They decorated the common room in the dorms and moved things like furniture to create a big space for dancing. Dotted around the sides were tables with party food, snacks, drinks and for the teachers supervising, alcohol. Everything was going really well and everyone was having fun and waiting for midnight. Jirou was in charge of the music and Momo, her girlfriend was doing special effects like glitter, streamers and smoke machines. Everyone was either dancing, playing party games, chatting or eating snacks.
It was getting late when Deku walked up to Todoroki and pulled him over to where Bakugou and Ochako were. Ochako had Deku's phone in her hand and was filming. "Midoriya what's going on?" Todoroki asked. Bakugou relpied with "This idiot is acting weird, I think he's either dizzy or drunk". Iida barged in and started waving his arms around telling Midoriya off for "having something we are clearly not allowed". Deku just giggled and said "Lighten up Iida I'm not that drunk" he then whispered in Bakugou's ear "yet". Deku drapes his arms over Todoroki's and Bakugou's shoulders and said to the camera, " Heyyy mum! I'm gonna smash 50/50 percent tonight!Hehe... Happy New Year!!" Iida was so schocked he nearly dropped his glass of lemonade and Kaminari backed away into the corner as Bakugou yelled "WHI THE FUCK LET THE NERD GET DRUNK?!" (Kaminari has dared Midoriya to down 2 shots of very strong alcohol).

Later that night let's just say both Bakugou and Todoroki were in a lot of pain and couldn't walk for the next few days.😏

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