Chapter 29

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Tris's POV

My alarm goes off, and I quickly turn over to cut it off. I lay back on my pillow and smile up at the ceiling.

Today is mine and Tobias's first date since we got back together a few days ago, and I am beyond excited.

These last few days have been amazing. We've spent them mainly with Toby since it was still the week. But now it's Saturday, and I'm taking him to stay with my parents for the weekend. So Tobias and I will have the weekend to ourselves.

Tobias told me yesterday that he has the whole date planned out, but he wouldn't tell me anything about it. I can assume that we're not going out anywhere though because we both agreed that for the time being, we're going to keep our relationship out of the media.

Even though we're both very determined to make the relationship work this time, we want to give it some more time before we announce it to the world. Because when we do announce it, we've decided that we're going to tell everyone about Tobias being Toby's dad.

I mean, it's going to get out there eventually, and when people find out we're dating, there are bound to be questions about how Toby feels about the relationship. So we might as well tell them.

But that's only when we're ready to tell the world. And we're not quite ready yet. We want our relationship to just be us for a little while before letting the world in. Because once we do, we'll never be left alone.

I sit up in bed and grab my phone off of my nightstand. I scroll through all of my notifications and smile when I see that I have several messages from Tobias.

Tobias ❤️: Good morning, beautiful!!!

Tobias ❤️: I hope that you had a night full of good dreams and no nightmares! And if you had any nightmares, please call me so I know you're okay!

Tobias ❤️: I just wanted to say that I love you so so so so much

Tobias ❤️: And I cannot wait for our date later today 😘😘

How did I get so lucky?

This man is seriously the best in every single way! How could I not love him?!

Me: Good morning, handsome 😍

Me: I slept wonderfully last night! No nightmares whatsoever! But I wouldn't mind if you called

Me: And I love you soooooo much! Like you don't even understand how much I love you

Me: And I am so excited for our "first" date! Even though I really wish it wasn't a surprise

He replies back in less than a minute.

Tobias ❤️: Well, too bad. It's going to be a surprise, and you're going to love it

Me: I know I will

Tobias ❤️: Can I FaceTime you right now??? Pleaseeee 🥺

How can I say no to that?

I hit the button to FaceTime him, and he picks it up within seconds. When his face pops up on the screen, he immediately smiles.

"There's my beautiful girlfriend," he says, making me blush.

"Hi, Tobias."

"So you really did sleep well last night? Absolutely no nightmares?" he asks, and I give him a smile.

"No nightmares. I promise that I'm fine," I tell him. "What about you? How did you sleep?"

"Well, I slept. It was dreamless like always."

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