Chapter 26

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Tobias's POV

My alarm blares in my ear, and after I cut it off, I lay there, staring up at the ceiling.

Thankfully, my sleeping pill helped me to peacefully sleep last night. But now that I'm awake, the questions from last night return.

Why did the question are you two dating affect me so much? Is it because I want us to be dating? Or is it because I don't know if we'll ever date again?

I feel like my talk with the guys yesterday really got to my head.

Before that talk, I was perfectly fine with spending time with Tris. I didn't worry about feelings or our relationship. I just enjoyed the time with her and my son.

But now, the guys have put those thoughts in my head, and I just can't seem to get them out.

Yesterday, when Tris touched my arm, I felt something. Something that might have been a spark. But I can't be totally sure if that was actually real or not. Maybe it was just my mind making it up.

But now, when I look at Tris, I'm immediately taken back to senior year and our relationship. The memories flood my mind, and they make me miss the old us. The way things used to be before everything changed.

But even though all of that was hard, I'm glad it changed. Because now I have Toby. And he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Every time I'm around him, I can't help but smile. He just fills me with so much happiness. I knew that I always wanted to be a dad, but I didn't know just how amazing it was until I actually became one.

And it's the best thing ever.

Knowing that you created such a beautiful and amazing kid. Raising them to believe in themselves and always follow their dreams. Watching them grow up and become confident in who they are.

I know that Toby's only three, and I've only been in his life for a couple of months, but it's been amazing watching him grow up. And even though I would love for him to stay little, I can't wait to see who he becomes.

I roll over to check my phone, and that's when I remember that my special package is coming today. I jump out of bed with a smile and run out of my room to the front door. I open it just as the man delivering my package is about to knock.

"Oh. Umm. Package for Four Eaton," he says, and I take the clipboard and pen from him.

"That would be me."

I quickly sign the form, and he slides the package in through the door. Once I thank him and shut the door, I push the big box all of the way into my room. Then I stand there, looking at it with a big smile.

So this is actually a bed for Toby. I wanted him to have one at my place for when he comes to stay with me. Which is going to be tonight! I seriously cannot wait! Sure, Tris has let me take Toby to my dad's and stuff without her, but this is different. She's letting him stay with me. For a whole night. I know for a fact that the only people she has let him spend the night with are her parents, so it means a lot that she's trusting me with this.

I give the box one more look before deciding to assemble it later when the guys can help me. For now, I'll just get ready for the day.

I walk to my closet and scan my clothes before picking out some black jeans and a random band t-shirt. I take the clothes into the bathroom and hop in the shower.

Recently, when I've not been in a rush, I've let myself linger in the shower. I've been trying to erase the image that the shower is a dangerous place for my thoughts. I've always loved taking long, soothing showers, but when I moved to California, and I became depressed, the shower and bathroom area became a danger zone for me and my thoughts.

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