Chapter 4

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Tobias's POV

Two pairs of hands shake me out of my peaceful sleep. Well, unless you count haunting memories about my one and only love leaving me with my child as peaceful, then it wasn't peaceful.

I slowly open my eyes and find Niall and Harry staring down at me.

"What do you guys want?" I ask and roll over. I just need a little more sleep.

"We're hungry," Harry whines.

"Then eat."

"But George is off, remember? Can you please fix us breakfast?" Niall asks.

"Fine. Just get off of me and let me get up." They leave my room, and I grudgingly get out of bed. I make my way to the kitchen and start fixing breakfast.

Once I'm done, I put it all on three plates and take it to Harry and Niall. We all eat the food while watching Criminal Minds. When we're done eating, I take the dishes to the sink and quickly wash them. I go back into the living room and find Harry and Niall still intently watching the show. I quickly grab the remote and cut the tv off.

"Hey!" they both exclaim.

"They were just about to catch the killer!" Niall says.

"Well. I'm sorry. But you guys need to get ready because you have to come to my interview," I explain.


"Because you're apart of this. Now get up, and go get ready."

They slowly get up off of the couch and walk into their rooms. I go into mine and hop in the shower. I quickly wash my hair and body and then get out. I dry my hair and change into a pair of jeans and a white v-neck. I slide on some black Converse and my black leather jacket.

I walk back out, and Niall and Harry walk out of their rooms.

"Come on, guys. We can't be late," I say. They grab their jackets, and I grab my keys. We walk out of the penthouse and outside. We quickly get into the waiting limo, and the limo driver takes us to the studio for interviews. We walk in and find Dylan.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey, Four," she says with her interviewer smile. "Are you ready for your interview?"

"Yep. I'm actually pretty excited," I answer.

"Well. Why don't we get everything set up, and then we can start?" she suggests.

"Sure." She walks off, and I turn to Niall and Harry.

"She totally likes you," Harry says.


"Yeah. You can tell by the way she looks at you," Niall says.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter."

"Come on. You're saying that you don't like her?" Harry says.

"No. I like her, but I like her as a friend. That's it," I reply.

"But she's beautiful."

"Yeah. She's beautiful. But I don't like her that way. I haven't liked anyone that way since my girlfriend dumped me," I say.

"Are you ever going to get over her?" Niall asks.

"To tell you the truth. Probably not. She's wonderful. She's amazing. She's spectacular. She's special. She was my everything. And now she's gone. Anyway, she made me who I am. I was broken until I met her. I believed that I was a nothing. She changed that. She changed me," I explain.

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