Chapter 6

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Tobias's POV

My alarm blares in my ear, and I excitedly get up. Today is the day! I'm moving back to Chicago! I literally cannot wait. I barely slept last night. I finally get to see all of my friends again.

I mean, yes, I did get to see the guys and my dad and my brother during the holidays, but I only got to see the girls, minus Tris of course, on my birthday. Zeke told me that they always went to see Tris on holidays which I kind of understand. But now I'm coming back. And I'll be living with Zeke, Uriah, and Will. That's definitely going to be new, but I can't wait.

I quickly take a shower and then throw on a red t-shirt, jeans, and grey converse. I grab the last box and bag in my room and carry it into the living room. The rest of our stuff is already at the penthouse. I set my stuff on the couch and walk into Niall's room first.

"Wake up, Niall," I say as I pull back the curtains. He groans and pulls the covers over his head.

"Just five more minutes."

"Nope. You have to get up now," I say and pull the covers off of his bed. "So. Get up."

"Fine," he whines and slowly gets up out of bed. He makes his way into his bathroom and shuts the door.

"And don't fall asleep in the shower!" I yell as I walk out of the room and into Harry's.

"Get up, Harry," I say and pull the curtains open. He groans and pulls the covers over his head, just like Niall. Those two have spent too much time together.

"Come on, Harry."

"Just leave me alone," he whines.

"If you don't get up now, you're not getting any breakfast," I tell him, and he jumps out of bed.

"Ok. Fine. I'm up," he says and walks into his bathroom. Then he turns to look at me.

"What are you still doing here?" he asks. "You should be making food."

I chuckle and walk into the kitchen. I get everything that I need and start fixing the three of us breakfast. Niall and Harry walk in after a little while.

"Are you done yet?" Harry asks.

"No. Not yet. But I'm almost done," I say, and they both groan. "Just sit down and wait." They both sit down at the island, and I continue fixing breakfast. When I'm done, I put the toast, bacon, and sausage in three plates. I give Niall and Harry each a plate and sit down with my own.

I quickly eat my food, wash the plate, and pack it. I do the same thing when Niall and Harry get done eating.

"Ok, guys. Grab the rest of your stuff. It's time to go to the airport," I say as I pull on my black leather jacket.

They go into their rooms, grab their stuff, and come back out to the living room. I grab all of my stuff, and we all walk out of our old home. We walk downstairs, and we're automatically ambushed by paparazzi.

We allow them to get a few good pictures, I say a few words, and then we're in the limo, on our way to the airport to go to Chicago.

I literally cannot wait!

--------------page break-------------

Niall, Harry, and I just got off of the plane, and now we're waiting to get our luggage. My phone rings, and I quickly answer it when I see that it's Zeke.

"Hey, Zeke," I say.

"Hey, Four. Where are you?" he asks.

"We just got off of the plane, and we are about to get our luggage. Then we will go to the penthouse," I answer.

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