Chapter 9

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Tris's POV

I wake up to the little alarm I set on my phone. I reach my hand over with a groan to grab my phone to cut the alarm off. It's 8:00. The only reason why I'm getting up at this time is because I need to get myself back on a schedule. Trust me. I would have slept in until like noon if I would have allowed myself to.

I pull myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I cut the water on and step in the shower to try to wake myself up and get myself started for the day. I quickly finish and put on my outfit for the day: a white tank top, Capri leggings, and creme sandals.

I walk to Toby's room. It's been a few days, and he is finally over his sickness. So I told him that today we could do something that he wanted to do. I sit down beside him on the bed and gently shake him.

"Toby. It's time to wake up," I say softly. After a little more nudging, he opens those blue eyes and looks up at me.

"Hi, Mommy," he says which brings a small smile to my face.

"Hi, Toby," I say. "So if we are going to go out somewhere today, you have to take a bath."

"But do I really have to?" he whines. That's one thing about him. He hates to take baths.

"Yes. You have to," I tell him.

"Fine," he huffs and gets out of his bed. I lead him into his bathroom and cut the water on. I undress him and set him in. I put in some of his toys and let him play for awhile. While he's occupied with his toys, I get some clothes out of his dresser. I quickly help him wash and then get him out of the tub.

I put his clothes on him and quickly dry his hair. Then I pick him up and carry him into the kitchen. I find Marlene, Shauna, and Christina already sitting at the kitchen island on their phones.

"What are you guys doing up?" I ask them as I set Toby down on the counter.

"We got up to get ready to go to school, but then we remembered that we don't have school today. And by the time we realized that, there was no way we were going back to sleep," Marlene explains.

"Well, why are you guys just sitting in here?" I ask.

"We got hungry but then realized that we're not good cooks," Shauna says, and I chuckle.

"You guys really need to learn how to cook. You can't always rely on me and Four to cook for you," I tell them as I start getting the pans down.

"You guys won't leave us again," Christina says, and then her face drops a little. "You guys aren't going to leave us again, right?"

I pick up Toby off the counter and walk over to her.

"Christina," I say. "My career will force me to go everywhere. I just finished my first tour, and there will be more in the future. I'll have to travel. Now I don't know about Four, but I promise you guys that I will always be here for you. And even if I have to travel for concerts and meet-and-greets and tours, right here in Chicago is where I live. Chicago is my home, and I'm not moving anywhere. I want Toby to grow up in the place that changed everything for me. And he will. I'm going to make sure that we are here."

"Thank you," she says with tears in her eyes and hugs me. Marlene and Shauna hug me too. "You have no idea how much that means to us, Tris. It was so hard for us when you were away for almost four years, and we don't want to lose you again."

"You never lost me. I could hear your calls," I tell them. "I will always be at least one call or message away."

"Good," Marlene says with a smile. Toby climbs up onto Shauna's lap as I walk back to the counter.

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