Chapter 13

911 16 14

Tris's POV

My alarm blares beside me, and I quickly reach over to cut it off. I pull myself up out of bed and into the bathroom to take a shower.

Once I'm done showering, I throw on a pair of leggings and an old long sleeve shirt. I dry my hair and then put it in a low pony tail.

I walk over to Toby's room and gently shake him awake.

"Come on, Toby. Time to wake up," I say. "You get to stay with grandma and grandpa today."

He sits up with a smile.

"Yay! I love Nana and Papa."

"Well, if you want to see them, you have to get up and get ready," I tell him, and he jumps up out of his bed.

"Okay, let's go!"

I follow him into the bathroom and give him a bath. I put him in a cute little outfit, and then we walk into the kitchen. I pour us both a bowl of cereal, and we sit down at the island to eat it.

I get finished with mine, and while Toby is finishing his, I pull his coloring book over to me.

"When did you color this?" I ask him, and he looks over at it.

"When Four watched me while you were gone that one day a little while ago," he says. "I colored it for him, but I forgot to give it to him. Mommy, can I give it to him today? I really want him to have it."

"Not today, honey. We have to leave really soon to go see Nana and Papa, so you'll have to give it to him tomorrow when you get back," I tell him. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

He finishes his cereal, and I put both of the bowls in the sink.

"Come on, buddy. Let's go pack your stuff, so we can leave," I say, and we walk back into his bedroom.

While he packs up the different books and toys that he wants, I pack up two pairs of pajamas and two outfits along with a different pair of shoes than what he's wearing.

"Don't forget Teddy," I say, and he grabs Teddy off of his bed. "Are you ready to go now?"

"Yep!" he says.

I carry his bags while he carries Teddy as we walk out of the penthouse, me locking the door behind us.

"Give me your hand, sweetie," I say, and he grabs my hand.

We get into the elevator and ride it down to the lobby. We walk out to the car, and I buckle him into his car seat before getting in the driver's seat. I put on Toby's favorite music, Tobias's songs, and we listen to them the whole way to my parent's house.

Once we get there, I get Toby out of his car seat and set him on the ground with Teddy. I grab his bag, shut the car door, and grab his hand before walking him to the front door. I ring the doorbell, and we only have to wait a few seconds for my mom and dad to open the door.

"Nana! Papa!" Toby exclaims and runs up to them. Dad picks him up and gives him a big hug.

"Hey, buddy. How have you been?" Dad asks him.


"Come in, sweetie," Mom says as she steps aside to let me in. I walk in and follow them into the living room. They sit down on the couch with Toby, and I sit down in an armchair.

"So how have you been, sweetie?" Dad asks me as he plays with Toby.

"Pretty good, I guess," I start. "I've been pretty tired though. I just finished writing my last songs for the album, and once I record them, I will officially be done. I will just have to announce that I'm taking a break for a little while."

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