Chapter 16

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Tobias's POV

The alarm on my phone goes off, waking me up from another night of dreamless sleep.

Ever since I started taking those sleeping pills that my doctor prescribed, I've actually been able to sleep at night. Sure, I don't have hardly any dreams, but I'll take that over not being able to sleep at all.

It finally gives my brain a chance to power down and take a break from all of the chaos going on inside.

It's been five days since my fight with Tris, and I haven't talked to her or even seen her since. It's not like I've actively been avoiding her. I'm just giving her the space and time that she has so obviously needed for the last two months.

Dad said that things would eventually work themselves out, and that I have to stop worrying about it. So I've decided that I've said my piece, and I'm now stepping away from it. If Tris wants to make things right between us, then she'll come to me. And if she doesn't, then there's nothing I can do about it.

Though it will hurt me quite a lot to not ever be able to be in Toby's life, I'm not going to go against Tris's wishes and tell Toby without her permission.

I quickly get up out of my bed and head to the bathroom before I start drowning in my thoughts again.

I take a quick shower, dry my hair, and throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I slip on a pair of my Converses and then make my way to the kitchen.

I pop two pieces of bread into the toaster, and once they're ready, I put them out on a plate and spread butter and strawberry jam on each of them. I pour myself a glass of orange juice and sit down at the island.

As I'm eating my light breakfast, my phone starts ringing. Once I see that it's Amar, I pick it up.

"Hey, Amar."

"Hey, Four," he says. "I just flew in this morning, and today is the perfect day to get the recordings done on your last songs for the album. I know that it's a little last minute, but I'll only be in town for about a week, and we need to get this album finished as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I can come in today," I tell him. "I have no plans, so I can be there in about 30-45 minutes."

"Sounds good to me! See you then!"


I hang up the phone and finish the rest of my breakfast. Once I'm done eating, I put the dishes in the sink and walk back into the living room to grab my phone and my keys. Then I head into the living room where I find the guys who have just woken up.

"Good morning," I say.

"Hey, where are you off to so early?" Will asks.

"Amar is in town, so I have to meet up with him about the album. Recording the last songs and stuff. So I'll be out for quite awhile. But I should be back in time for dinner," I explain.

"Sounds good to us," Uriah says.

I walk out the door and into the elevator. I ride it down to the lobby, walk outside, get in my car, and drive all of the way to the recording studio that Amar told me to meet him at.

I get out of my car, enter the building, and take the elevator up to the right floor. I finally find the right studio and walk in to find Amar with a huge smile.

"There he is!" he exclaims and hugs me. "Are you ready to record your last three songs?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Good. Now get in there."

He gently pushes me towards the door, and I walk into the recording booth.

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