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The farmlands of Calidum were nothing like what Ben expected. He thought he'd see vast green land full of vegetation. However, it was more of streams of water surrounded by a variety of glass greenhouses with all sorts of fruits and vegetables, and edible wildlife from the rivers nearby. Though, there was vegetation growing outside and being tended to, for the most part, the different structures were where the farming was held.

Taking Ben into the different greenhouses, showing him what each had and who worked in them, you came to a stop at the largest one. Within this one, the river flowed right through it as it grew most of the plant life. From above hung some of the plants as others grew from different sections and rows. "This is where most of our doctors like to come to gather medical herbs. It's the biggest greenhouse for a reason, Calidum relies heavily on our healing plant life."

Lifting his eyebrows as he was gazing at the world around him, Ben was in disbelief, "really?"

"Mhm," you nodded. "Our population isn't actually that big, compared to most planets with humans."

"I can only imagine..." Ben nearly whispered as he eyed the hanging plants. "This is beautiful..."

Smiling at his reaction, you reached for his hand and gently tugged him as you brought him over to the river edge, "Calidum is quite the beauty."

"It is," he nodded, looking down into the ever flowing body of water. "It must be nice living on a planet like this..."

"Mhm," you hummed. "But you'll be able to enjoy it during your time here," you beamed.

Turning his focus to you, Ben couldn't help but smile back, standing there before the water and holding your hand. He wanted to stay in that moment forever. To feel like he had no worries, no problems on his mind... and no voices in his head. Just to be with you, surrounded by nature.

You could see just how happy he was, the ease in his face and shoulders by being in such an environment. A part of you wanted to let him linger around and do as he pleased, but you knew he'd only follow like a shadow. First, for his duty, and second... because he seemed to have grown attached to you already. You could tell. You were sure it was because you were the only one he knew, but a part of you wanted to believe it was because he saw a friend in you...

And deep down, you had hoped for more...

Following you around the greenhouse as you went on to interact with the farmers, Ben quietly lingered and listened, just like how he behaved in the markets. He didn't mind, he preferred to be silent anyway in matters that didn't involve him. The only time he spoke was when he was introduced or said goodbye, other than that? He stood behind and left you to handle your duties as he watched over.

If you had asked him a day before, he would have been bitter... but after getting to know more about you and your planet, he couldn't help but want nothing more than to be around you...

The rest of the afternoon and into the evening was spent in the greenhouse as expected, Ben had found himself gazing at the variety of green being grown as you continued your princess duties. The Ben a day before would have been bored out of his mind, but there was something about the peace and quiet around him that made it all right. The serenity of being around fresh vegetation and quietly working farmers.

Sharing a small dinner with the farmland owners, the two of you eventually made your way back to the palace. "How did you like it?"

"It was pleasant," Ben answered as he helped you out of the hovercraft.

"Pleasant?" You questioned, walking side by side as you thanked the driver.

"Enjoyable?" He corrected, making you chuckle as you reached over to hold his arm. "I did like it."

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