Eleven (NSFW)

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"I think you need to go away," Ben said, earning a look from you. "Not like that, I mean to travel. A vacation..." He explained himself as the two of you sat on your couch, Ben cleaning the hilt of his saber as you were reading a book. "We can't keep you inside forever."

Closing your book, you looked at him, "Ben, I can't just leave. Especially not with what's happening..."

"I know," Ben nodded. "But you need to get away from it all, from here. We have kept you in for over a week now. You have only been able to leave the palace just to go outside to the beach. You can't even go out into the garden anymore out of fear."

"My parents want what's best for me, I can't just..." sighing, you looked away for a moment. "What if we sneak out?" You then asked, looking back at him.

"That was the plan, I know I can't get you out of here any other way," Ben nodded as the small frown on your face turned into a grin.

"Jedi Knight Ben Solo... sneaking away with his lover," you grinned. "I have my own ship we can take—"

"Wait," Ben lifted his hands, seeing how excited you were getting. "That would be too suspicious, I don't want you to get caught... We will go in my X-Wing. We just have to leave at a moment less active in the hangar..."

"Well... that's now," you said. "Not much happens at these hours of the day."

Eyeing you, Ben grinned, "then, let's go."

Jumping up, you grabbed his hands and pulled him to his feet before freezing, "wait... do I have to pack?"

"I don't expect us to be gone for very long... we will be back," Ben said.

Breathing in, you nodded and tugged him away with you. It wasn't easy, but you were able to make it to the hangar without being noticed. You had hoped no one went to visit your chambers since that's where you were normally at ever since you were basically put on close watch.

Helping you into his X-Wing as he held you up by your waist, Ben then followed in after. You had sat in the gunners seat as he piloted, making the departure swift, in hopes no one noticed. He was sure—eventually—it would be known. For now, his only focus was giving you some freedom for the day, to get away from home and to avoid any incidents with your stalker.

"Where are we going?" You asked, sitting behind him and watching the stars in awe.

"A little getaway planet of mine... I visit every now and then when I need time away from the temple and... well, life itself," Ben said as he piloted. "You'll see."

Watching as Ben made the jump, blue streaks of light surrounded you as you gawked at the sight. Seeing the open space like this was breathtaking, if you had the chance, you'd travel more often than not.

Seeing you were now entering a planet's atmosphere, you sat up and eyed the world around you; the clouds everywhere that surrounded you as Ben descended. "Is— Is that—"

"Cloud City, pretty impressive," Ben smirked with a nod before landing his X-Wing. Opening the latch and hopping out, Ben helped you out and settled you down before taking your hand.

"Look who it is," hearing a voice speak up, you looked up to see an older man with a grin approaching. "Who's this little lady, Ben?"

Breathing in as he came to a stop before the man, Ben smiled, "this is the princess I've been watching over that I told you about on the holo."

Reaching your free hand out for the man to take, you smiled at him as he shook it, "Lando Calrissian. Ben's uncle," he nudged his head. "He's spoken a lot about you, I've never heard Ben speak so much about someone before, let alone, so fondly."

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