Thirty Five

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Raising Naberrie was easier than you could've ever expected. Especially when Kylo refused to let her go. Since the moment he first held her, it was almost as if there was an instant link created between the two of them. He wanted to be around her, wanted to care for her, and you were more than thankful for that. You knew she wasn't planned and you weren't sure how Kylo truly felt about having children, but seeing her constantly in his arms, you knew he loved her as much as he loved you.

"Moondust!" You called out, but received no response. "Kylo?" Searching your shared chambers, looking int the bedroom, Naberrie's crib and even your bed, you sighed. "Kylo!" Shaking your head, you left your private quarters and searched the halls before aiming for the study. Hearing babbling, you smiled, walking inside and seeing Kylo sitting there, back facing you. "Finally..."

Looking over, Kylo turned in his spot as you walked over, outstretching your arms as Naberrie smiled up at you and eagerly bounced on her fathers lap. "At this point, you should expect that I have her with me."

"I do expect that." You said, reaching for Naberrie and lifting her in your arms. "You know, she has two parents. Not just one." You arched an eyebrow as Kylo shrugged, making you laugh. "You're awful."

"What? I'm only teaching her my ways." Kylo defended as he stood up, caressing the back of his daughters head. "Someone must teach her how to be the greatest successor—"

Tapping his shin with your foot, you shook your head. "Oh, stop that, she's a baby." Looking down at her, you nuzzled your nose against her own as she giggled, reaching up with one hand to pat your cheek. "What did you do today with your daddy?" You asked with a childish voice as she smiled at you, babbling and waving her hands around. 

"She got to sit on the throne." Kylo translated.

"You sat on the throne? All by yourself? What a big girl!" You said in awe as Naberrie bounced in your arm.

"She and her wookiee toy were babbling demands to the knights, asking for them to smile more." Kylo explained as you chuckled, looking at him.

"Is that so?" You laughed. "I wish I had seen that..."

Wrapping his arm around your waist and turning you with him as the two of you aimed for the study's door, Kylo kissed the side of your head. "I can show you right now?"

"Now? But haven't the knights retired for the evening?" You asked as the two of you walked at a steady pace along the hallway, your daughter fiddling with your necklace, amazed by its shine.

"Yes, but, you can just see our little princess sit on her future throne. See how small she is compared to it." Kylo insisted. "Believe me, if I could, I'd let her rule instead. She looks perfect on the throne."

"If only babies could rule." You teased, looking up at him and winking. "I'm sure she wouldn't be as harsh as you, though."

"I... am not harsh."

Looking at him, you squinted your eyes. "You sure?"

Sucking in a deep breath, Kylo kept quiet as he walked beside you, his hand pressed on your lower back. He knew he was harsh, he couldn't be a Supreme Leader without it... "Am I harsh to you?" He quietly asked and you couldn't help but hold in a smile.

"Only when we reunited." You nudged him as he groaned, Naberrie now resting her head on your shoulder, embracing your warmth. "Someone's cold..."

Waving his hand for the throne room doors to open, Kylo lead the way before he reached for his daughter, kissing her head and settling her on the throne. "Look at her... I'm so proud..."

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