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A flurry of soft gray dots filled the canvas before you as you sat before the tall glass window. There you sat, Kylo's cape still draped over your shoulders as you held a paint brush in one hand and a pallet in the other. The gentle hum of the air in the vents filled the background amongst the faint howl of the snow falling from the otherside of the window as you eyed it with ease. You didn't know what it was, but painting such a scenery felt... calming.

And, oddly,  it reminded you of Kylo. An incredible sight that held its beauty, yet, could be dangerous if you were exposed to it when it was raging on; and, when it's not? It was... gentle.

Watching as the brush stroked along the canvas, the surface picking up and absorbing the paint, you heard a gentle knock coming from the door.

Settling the paint brush and palette down, you aimed for the door and opened it, watching the metal door slide open and present Daniel: helmet-less and smiling. "Hello, princess."

"Daniel." You bowed your head with a gentle smile. "What brings you here?"

"Thought I'd check up on you." He truthfully spoke. "Seems as if you're doing quite well... Wearing the Supreme Leader's cape." Pointing towards your shoulders, Daniel lifted his eyebrows.

Looking down at it as it engulfed you and fanned at your feet, you sucked in a small breath and held back a smile. "Yes... He forgot it." You nodded, not entirely lying as he did forget it was even on you. "So, I took it and wore it as my own. It's much too cold out and... well, it keeps me warm." You nodded as Daniel nodded back. "The Supreme Leader is actually not such a bad man when he wants to be... kind." You chuckled.

"He is a lucky man to take you to breakfast... Or, really, anywhere." Daniel grinned as you shook your head.

"It's— It's nothing. I mean, after all, we are going to be married." You said, waving a hand dismissively.

"My dear princess," Daniel started, reaching for your hand and pulling you over to the center seating of the study. "No man is blind enough to not see your beauty. I'm sure the Supreme Leader is finally warming up to you since you are quite the sight to see." He flirted as you blinked, eyebrows lifting. This wasn't the Daniel you first met. He was much more... confident and flirtatious.

"Thank you, but... I like to believe he is trying to be nice." You corrected, giving him a kind smile, but he scoffed.

"Trying to be nice? The Supreme Leader is not a nice man. He's just acting that way for a reason. It's all a facade, of course!" He chuckled as your eyebrows narrowed. "But, I wouldn't say thats entirely important, seeing as this marriage is arranged... I'm sure he doesn't understand that you are something more than just a woman forced into a marriage for him to get heirs out of."

"That's... That's not true." You forced a chuckle, shaking your head. A part of you wanted to believe it was a lie... but a bigger part of you believed it to be true.

Reaching to grab your hand in his glove-covered own, Daniel moved slightly closer as you gulped, looking him in those bright blue eyes of his. "Princess, I would never lie to you."

Stomping through the halls of the palace, taking the route he knew like the back of his hand that lead him to his study, Kylo felt his heart racing. It had been a few hours since he had last seen you, and for some deranged reason, deep down inside of him... he missed you. A piece of him craved you, desired to settle his eyes on that pretty pair of yours. And, sadly, he couldn't even tell which exact pair his brain was lusting over.

Huffing, Kylo clenched his jaw, trying to avert those thoughts and focus on what was truly important.

Key word: trying. It seemed impossible when you constantly sat on the back of his mind, no matter what.

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