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An orange-like planet came into your view as the vessel broke light-speed. Ahead of you, other, smaller spacecrafts, had been entering the atmosphere as well. They were oddly shaped, much like a pod racers hover craft, duo seating and almost as orange as the planet itself.

"I don't see any clouds..." You pointed out, furrowing your eyebrows as the vessel entered the planet. And just as you said it, you saw them. "Oh..."

"The planet only has a layer in the atmosphere suitable for humans, the Life Zone." Kylo explained as your eyes suddenly widened at the floating architecture. "That, is Cloud City. A gas mining colony floating in the sky."

"It's beautiful." You said in awe, amazed at that matter before you. "Aren't people a little scared it could... fall?" You then asked, looking over at him.

"It's completely safe, believe me." Kylo stated, approaching a landing dock as you eyed your surroundings. Yet another world you were fascinated in. Much different than your home and Starkiller II, and definitely far more different than Tatooine.

It was beautiful and you couldn't help but lean forward in your chair as you eyed the world before you. The shades of blues that took over the atmospheres, the off white building, the spacecrafts that flew by... You couldn't help but wonder as to why your parents never took you traveling when there was so much beauty in the galaxy outside of your home.

Realizing the ship had landed, you jumped out of your seat and rushed over to the ramp, not bothering to wait for Kylo as you hit the open button.

Watching you run off, Kylo shook his head with a subtle grin. He wasn't sure the last time he got excited over a planet... Possibly when he was a child and his parents told him he was going to Endor...

Aiming down the ramp, seeing you stand there and gaze at the city around you, Kylo walked ahead and came to a stop as a familiar face was approaching from the building before him. "Well look who finally showed up." The man smiled, arms wide open in presentation. "It's about time, I was wondering when you'd arrive!"

"We stopped at Tatooine first." Kylo responded, placing a hand on your mid-back as you snapped out of your haze, looking over to the older man before you.

"Tatooine?" He scrunched up his nose, only to shift his eyes. "Us?" Looking over at you, his smile grew back on his face, pearly white. "Look who it is. Long time no see, Y/N."

Blinking, your eyebrows narrowed. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" You asked in confusion. "I... I don't recognize you..." You frowned as Kylo had done the same.

"You know her?" Kylo asked as the man stood there in silence for a moment, only to clear his voice.

"I've heard of her!" He chuckled. "Long time no see as in... I know her parents."

"Oh..." You nodded. "Well, it's nice to meet you, mister..."

Reaching his hand out as you had done the same, the man smiled. "Calrissian. But you can call me Lando, please." He winked, taking your hand and kissing the back of it as you smiled back.

"Save the flirtation for another time." Kylo grumbled.

"What? It's in my nature to be attentive to my guests!" Lando exclaimed as Kylo rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure it is." At that, Kylo walked ahead, nearly pushing you with his hand as you joined him. "I'll take it from here. I know where to go."

Guiding you along the white halls with his hand still pressed against your lower back, you eyed your surroundings. It was so... white. Everything was bright and filled with light but you didn't mind, it was nicer than the darkness of the Cantina and definitely more comforting than that of Kamino...

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