Twenty Five

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Running as fast as he could to catch up with the Gorax, Kylo tried not to trip over any exposed roots. Reaching out and using the Force to toss a small boulder the Gorax's way, it did nothing but shove him, nudging him on a different route.

"Kylo!" You called out, only to smack your hands against the creatures rough one. "Let go of me! Let me go! I am not a toy!"

"Princess!" Panting, Kylo growled, sending more boulders the Gorax's way. "Kriff..." Knowing there was no use, he eyed the canopies, spotting the variety of vines that cross hatched all across the trees. "Dammit."

"Put me down! Put me down!" You thrashed, looking over and seeing how high up you were. "Don't drop me! Put me down the way you picked me up!" Growling at you, your eyes widened at the Gorax. "Hey!"

Smacking and punching the large hand that wrapped around you, you pressed your palms against it, trying to slide out, but knowing very well the Gorax's grip was far too tight. Huffing, you continuously thrashed around in hopes it'd loosen its grip, but nothing worked.

Then, suddenly, a harsh roar left the creature, and before you knew it, you were in the air. Your heart was in your throat as you yelled, suddenly free falling as the Gorax had tossed you in the air the second it had yelled. Screaming in fear, eyes welling up with tears as you squeezed them shut, you suddenly felt something tightly wrap around your waist.

Taking in deep breaths, you opened your eyes and saw streaks of colors fly by as your hair whipped around with the flow of the wind. "GAH!" You shouted, realizing you were high up again, latching onto whatever held you. "No— No! Kylo!" You yelled out, heart racing as you panicked. "Ky—" Coming to a stop as you were instantly brought onto a tree, you were pressed against the bark of it as something pressed against your mouth.

"Shhh." Looking up, your eyes widened. Hearing the heavy footsteps walk by, your head turned as the creature stomped by, growling and roaring in anger before leaving your sight.

Pushing back and lifting your head, you took in deep breaths. "H— How did you get up here?!" You asked with round eyes.

Looking down at you, Kylo searched your face as his hands held your upper arms. "Are you okay?"

"Were— Did you swing from the vine?!" You exclaimed. "Kylo!"

"I had to do what I had to, to save you!" He raised his voice. "So, yes! I swung from a wretched vine!"

Feeling a smile grow on your face, you wrapped your arms around his waist and leaned your forehead against his chest. "I have the Ewoks to thank, don't I?"

Frowning, Kylo sucked in a breath. "...Yes."

"As impressive as it is..." Lifting your head, you looked him in the eyes. "How are we to get down from here?"

Blinking, Kylo looked down from the tree, then back to you. "We..." Sucking in a breath, Kylo looked back down.

"You don't know, do you?" You arched an eyebrow as he sighed.

"We'll find a way... Somehow..."

The sun was slowly starting to set as you and Kylo eventually made your way down to the grassy ground, more than glad to not have fallen to your death. You were also very thankful in the matter that you were no longer Gorax dinner... or whatever it wanted you for. Instead, you were now finding your way back to the Ewok village as you held Kylo's hand, for once wanting nothing more than to return back to civilization.

"I promise, tomorrow we will leave. I have one more planet for us to see before we prepare for our return and begin the... wedding preparations." Kylo breathed as you nodded.

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