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It was a dream of Ben Solo's to have his own ship one day—preferably the Millennium Falcon. He dreamt of his own baby, naming it and flying the galaxy with it. Becoming a Jedi, however, wasn't a dream of his. He knew he had to do something about the powers within himself, but he'd rather have been like his father, flying around... or maybe like his childhood friends back on Chandrila, studying and becoming what they wanted to be. But Ben took what he got. At least he was doing something with his life when his parents were too busy to be around.

Though, he did miss them from time to time...

Sitting in his X-Wing that was gifted to him by his uncle, Luke Skywalker, Ben carefully landed it in the hangar of the palace he would be residing in for a few weeks. His new mission, and first lone mission, was to watch over the royal family of Calidum. Of course, it was more to protect the children than anything.

He didn't expect his first true mission to be babysitting... and he couldn't turn it down, either.

Ben imagined he'd infiltrate First Order ships, find out their locations throughout the galaxy, invade their campgrounds and expose them. He believed it to be like the old stories he read in the texts within the temple of the new Jedi Order.

This wasn't the case. There was no infiltrating, no fighting... nor exposing. He wasn't going to take down the First Order. No, he was going to be a glorified nanny.

Hopping out of his X-Wing and pulling on his cloak, Ben was greeted by a pair of droids and a man who stood behind them. "You must be the Jedi Knight," the guard spoke. "The king and queen have awaited you."

"Hmm..." Ben hummed, eyeing the hangar around him. "I assume you'll be leading the way."

Nodding his head, the man did so as the droids followed his lead. Ben wondered if they were his droids... or maybe one of the many palace droids. "Don't mind them, they aid to the hangar and inform us whenever anyone arrives," he said, answering Ben's curiosity. "You will be seeing droids here and there throughout the palace. The king and queen have their own as well as the princess and prince."

"And yet I am here..." Ben uttered under his breath, eyeing his surroundings as his dark brown cape billowed behind him like a ghost.

Ben's attire was the neutral browns, tans, and whites of the Jedi. His cloak was the darkest of his attire as his white tunic and boots contrasted it. His pants were a dark tan, tucked into his wrapped up boots that quite matched the raps around his wrists and hands. His fingers were exposed, but the wraps protected his palms when wielding his blade. His hair was pushed back in its waves of glory, his hair much like his family bloodline—always well kept and fluffy. Nothing surprising there, not his height, not his sharp features... He was a product of a Skywalker. A true Organa-Solo. Looking just like a prince.

Seeing the large throne room doors before him that were guarded, Ben lowered his eyes from the overly dramatic and ornamented doors as they began to open. The whole palace looked like something plucked out of a painting with how shiny and bright it was... it was no surprise why the family needed protecting, the palace itself looked like you could break it apart and make loads of credits off of its pieces.

"My king... my queen," the man bowed before the two, "the Jedi Knight has arrived."

"Wonderful," the woman nodded with a smile. "It's lovely to finally meet you, Jedi Knight Ben Solo, correct?"

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