Chapter 92: Unwelcome Memories (Pt 2)

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I do not own One Piece

Warning! This chapter, as a whole, contains dark themes and may trigger some.

Also, towards the end it starts getting more choppy because of how Mitsu/Katsu is receiving things.

                         3rd POV

The pain had subsided hours ago. Which Mitsu was thankful for, though her throat was still raw from her screaming. She was also relieved that the doctor hasn't done anything else since he made her eat the fruit.

She was still strapped down on the metal table, which was growing more and more uncomfortable as the time passed. A single light was left on in the room which hung over the door of the room. From what she has had the chance to see, there was only one exit in the room, which was the big metal door that she was sure was likely locked. The room contained no windows, which was starting to get to her as she was used to always being outside.

"Shanks is coming." Mitsu mumbled her voice a low rasper, not liking the silence that filled the room. "Benn too. And Yasopp. They'll have Sato and Makoto. We'll all be okay then. We'll still be pirates. We'll be okay."

It felt better to say it out loud. Though she was uncomfortable talking, as it rubbed her raw throat wrong. She waited a couple of seconds, staring at the ceiling as she felt the soft rocking of the ship, then she repeated the saying to herself once more.

It made her feel better.

It was going to be okay.

Her voice didn't pause when the door opened again. She continued to talk softly as the doctor walked towards her.

Upon hearing Mitsu, Omasu rolled his eyes and turned on the recorder. "Test subject is awake and speaking. Her 24 hour wait is over, and she is still able to express negative emotion. Her vitals appear stable, so the next few tests may begin. So far, the experiment appears successful." There was a glint in the doctor's eyes as he turned towards the child. "First test, can she still swim."

She looked towards him, a frown on her face and her eyes glaring intently on the doctor. "Just wait 'til Shanks gets here." She mumbled, her eyes narrowing more into a glare that could kill. Two marines entered the room, each grasping her arms and releasing the metal that held her down before lifting her off the table. "He won't like this."

Omasu smirked, holding a hand towards the marines to make them pause as he leaned down towards Mitsu's face. "You poor thing, your mind is so poisoned by those filthy pirates." His smirk grew as he patted her head roughly. "Don't worry, we'll deal with that later." He looked up and nodded once more towards the marines, who then pulled Mitsu out of the room.

Omasu turned to motion towards another marine to carry the recorder up towards the deck. Once he was sure the recorder was being carried carefully, he followed the other two marines up the deck. An excited feeling filled him, he hadn't made it past 24 hours before with this experiment. Caesar will be thrilled to hear about this, especially if the child is capable of logia devil fruit powers. It would far surpass the zoan devil fruit they had been working on.

Mitsu's spirits lifted nearly immediately when she found herself on the deck of the ship. She wondered how long she has been kept in that dark room, it felt too long. The sky was blue and there wasn't a gray cloud in sight which allowed the sun to shine to it's fullest. However, when she caught sight of a giant glass tank filled to the brim with water, she felt her stomach tie itself in knots.

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