Chapter 38: A World Famous Artist

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I don't own One Piece


I walked in silence, watching the woman in front of me. She was taking in the information I had shared about Mamoru raising me. The scowl still lingered on her face, but I had noticed something change. Her narrowed eyes, which were identical to Mamoru's, had softened just a touch. Having been raised around Mamoru, I could easily see the change in attitude. Them being siblings made it easy, since they still shared similarities. 

It made me wonder. Would I still be similar to my twin after all the time we've been separated? The thought alone made my heart feel heavy.

"So, you're Mamoru's kid." I snapped our of my thoughts to look at the marine.

"What?" I blinked, then shook my head. "No, he just watched me when I was younge-"

"And clothed you, fed you, schooled you, and taught you to defend yourself." She interrupted, her scowl lifting into a smirk. "Even if you both deny it, he was like a father."

I paused, looking down for a moment. It wasn't something that any of us acknowledged, though I suppose I couldn't deny what she said. It was just something unspoken. Maybe Mamoru didn't want to claim it in case I remembered who my actual father was and tried to return to him.

"Well I guess that makes me something like your Aunt." She let out a sigh, trying to act annoyed though I could see clearly the smile she was trying to choke down. "How annoying, a pirate for a niece."

This time I smirked at her. That sounded like something Mamoru would say. I held out my arm, raising an eyebrow in question. "Can I get this off now?"

"Hmm?" She muttered, then cleared her throat. "Right, I suppose you don't seem much like a threat." Reaching over towards me, she took off the cuff and placed it back in her pocket. Immediately I could feel my energy rise back up again. "Besides, if you try to fight, I'll just beat your ass again."

I winced at the thought, there was no doubt in my mind that she would indeed beat me. Adjusting my bag around my shoulder, I noticed the purple haired marine pause, her lips pulling to the side in thought. Raising an eyebrow at her, I waited a moment for her to continue walking.

After a good few seconds of just standing in the forest, I frowned and sighed. "What?"

"Well..." She trailed off, letting out a breath. "How is my little brother doing? What does he look like now? I know I saw those pictures your drew, but those were older weren't they? I bet he's all shrived up and old and gray now."

I snorted at her comment, thinking of the many boxes of black hair dye he uses. "He's fine, despite the fact that he's always complaining and frowning." I smiled softly, "He's happy."

She nodded softly, "Good. Now tell me, how much has he aged?"

Why was she obsessed with that?

"You know," I frowned at the woman, "shouldn't you at least give me your name?"

With my response the retired marine blinked. Then her eyes widened for only a second before her scowl returned o her face. Clearly, she had forgotten to introduce herself.

"You're right, Crimson Hurricane." She said, "I'm Arisu."

"Right. I'm Mits-" I frowned, my eyebrows pulling together as I coughed and cleared my throat. "Ah, I mean Katsu. Sorry-" Then I stopped, her name suddenly clicking.

Snapping my head back up to look at the woman I felt my eyes growing in size. Looking at her hands, I saw the dry paint which lingered on her knuckles and fingernails. Then I looked back at her face. Though her hair was different, and she had a couple more wrinkles that the last picture, it had to be her. There was no way she would look so similar and have the same name.

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