Chapter 116: I Got Drugs!

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I do not own One Piece


Chopper and Usopp were rather pleased with themselves. They had managed to get their hands on a small amount of the drug many of the beggars were addicted to. Unfortunately, other than the drug, they had not gotten any other information.

Currently, they were waiting at the meet up point for Franky and Brook. From there, they were to go to the ship and wait for everyone else. They just hoped everyone had gotten some useful information.

"Usopp," Chopper murmured, "Do you think Katsu is okay?"

The sniper looked at the doctor, then sighed. "Well, we both know Katsu. I can't really imagine her not being okay." His voice faltered as he remembered the last week before she was taken. Usopp had also not imagined her falling victim to her own mind as she had either. He cleared his throat, shaking those thoughts away. "Her strength almost rivals the monster trio. But, most importantly, she had promised Luffy even before she left that she would be okay. Katsu wouldn't break a promise to her Captain."

Chopper nodded then frowned. "You don't think they would do anything bad to her, do you?"

Usopp shook his head, though he wondered the same. "No way. She's a princess. I bet she's being pampered!"

Now the doctor looked worried. "What if she doesn't want to come back because they've pampered so well?!"

This only made Usopp laugh at the thought of seeing Katsu stick her nose up at the thought of adventure simply because she was receiving extra care. "Katsu can't stand being pampered like that. Remember when Sanji tried? She practically yelled at him and he had to watch how he treated her. Even Nami tried to get Katsu to accept it, but in the end Katsu didn't want the extra attention."

Chopper released a breath upon realizing Usopp was indeed correct. "So she'll come back. Thank goodness."

"We Super got nothing!" Both Usopp and Chopper looked up to see Franky and Brook. Neither looked happy. The skeleton drooped over as a depressed aura surrounded him. Franky's mouth pulled into a deep scowl and his sunglasses resting on his head.

Usopp nodded in agreement, "We didn't get much either."

"We got drugs!" Chopper exclaimed, happy to have found something.

Franky and Brook snapped their attention to the doctor. Both expressed shock and some form of worry. Usopp, meanwhile, gawked at Chopper before taking the baggie out of the reindeer's hoof and pocketing it while looking around suspiciously.

"Don't say it like that!" Usopp hissed, making the reindeer blink in surprise.

"You'd better explain that to Robin." Franky shook his head, "Cause I am not taking the blame for getting Chopper drugs."

"It's not like that!" Usopp shouted, running after them as they began their rout back to the ship.


Both Robin and Nami were quite pleased with their intel they had inquired. The information, while rather depressing and upsetting, proved to be useful for them. At the very least, they now knew when they would need to attack to get their crew mate back. After leaving the bar, they began to make their way back to the ship. Though this time they went another route, one that lead directly to the docks that they had overheard the nobles talk about.

Apparently this was only accessible to them. Nami and Robin fit in so well nobody questioned their presence.

Clutched happily in Nami's hand were two pairs of tickets. She hoped she could steal more tomorrow, but she was pleased to at least have four. It was a good start to their search.

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