Chapter 23: Captain's Orders

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I don't own One Piece

Katsu's POV

Numb. There was nothing. No pain. No tingling. No heat. Just... Nothing. It's been a while since my whole body has lost feeling.

I'm assuming my body is lying down, though it wasn't confirmed until I opened my eyes. Above me were familiar wooden boards. A soft rocking of movement could be sensed, allowing me to come to my senses. Moving my head to the side, I looked towards the only source of bright light flooding into my room. Then I heard the noises.

From the footsteps above me, I assumed my crew was up and running. Faintly I heard their voices, and laughter. Then the faint sound of an instrument, a violin. It had a smooth sound, a bow no doubt gliding over the strings delicately enough to make the strings purr. The notes were fast paced and perfect for my excited crew.

"He joined then," I muttered with a smile, my voice hoarse and throat dry. Looking over once more, my eyes landed on a glass of water placed beside my bed. Condensation covered the sides of the glass as the ice had began to melt.

Slowly, I forced my limbs to move. While I knew I was physically moving, I couldn't feel myself do so. It's frustrating. I reached both hands for the glass. Not wanting to use too much strength to lift the glass, otherwise I would shatter it in my hands like last time. Eyeing my hands, I wrapped them around the glass and brought it to my lips.

Thankfully the liquid stayed in my mouth, and relief filled my dry throat as the cool liquid slid down. A sigh left me and I slowly placed the glass back beside my bed.

It was then that I noticed my bandaged body. Blinking I saw my chest completely wrapped up, almost enough to act as a cast. My arm, which I remember being the one that was shot, also bandaged.

However, it wasn't the bandages that freaked me out, but rather the absent of bandages. My left shoulder was left completely bare. Allowing the scared over brand to show to the world. Quickly, as instincts kicked in, my right hand threw itself over the mark that scared me.

Pressing my lips together into a frown I couldn't bring myself to move. They had seen it. They had seen the scar that pains me the most.

They probably didn't trust me anymore.

They probably hated me now.

My chest hurt. No, my body was numb. My heart hurt. Breathing felt harder to do, and I swore I could hear the painful thumping of my heart.  Did they still even want me?

The clicking of the door made my ears twitch, but I didn't look. Instead I moved my head further down, allowing my face to be covered by my hair.

A gasp was heard, then a high pitched squeak. "Katsu!"

All movement stopped then I heard running. I didn't have time to look us as two bodies tackled me down for a hug.

"You're awake!" My eyes landed on the Straw Hat. Luffy was one of the bodies who tackled me.

"You're okay!" Long nose. Usopp was the other body.

"Idiots!" Nami, Sanji, and Chopper yelled. "She just woke up and you're going to hurt her again!"

Nami and Sanji pulled the two off of me as the last of our crew entered the room.

Franky sniffed, his lip trembling. "Katsu's finally awake. That's SUPER good!"

"It's good that you're up, artist-san." Robin smiled, walking over to the bed.

Zoro, not much for words, gave a small smile towards me.

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