Chapter 10 - The escape

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Escape from the Karaboudjan
John Williams

Third POV

The trio had finally made their way to a door leading to the deck.
Outside there was a lot of construction going on. Many men working on preparing, what looked like, a metal runway. A couple of them lasing together the final parts, others preparing the seaplane by installing it on the rails. But that didn't take there attention away from the escaped trio.

Other crewmembers, under who Alan and Tom, were guarding the place. Captain Haddock, was more busy drinking than anything else, walked straight through the door. Nearly bumping into a man standing guard. A revolver in hands.
"Nothing here! Any sign of them, Jumbo?" A guy yelled from down below. The one before us, to our luck, was pointing the light on his gun over the railing. "Nothing yet, watch yourselves! The boss says he's a handful!" Investigating the deck down below. Tintin pulling the captain along as we slowly back up again, shutting the door without making any noise.

Once the door was shut, the captain let out a breath of relief. Tintin snooping through the small window, soon taking the open bottle from Haddocks had. He walked back out, preparing himself to slam it to pieces on the guy's head. But as he was about to do that, Haddock took it back. Causing Tintin to slam his hand into the back of 'Jumbo's' head instead of the liquor bottle, knocking him out cold. A low hiss was heard before we went quiet.
(Y/N)'s face crunched up as she could only imagine how painful it must have felt. Haddock motioning for the two and their animal companions to follow. Snowy growling at the now unconscious man on the deck. (P/N) flying close behind.

At the lifeboats they untied the ropes securing the boat in place. All three pushing the boat forward until it was dangling multiple meters above the seawater. (Y/N) hearing footsteps growing closer. Tintin seemed to have hear it too, pulling the captain down as we all now eyed the deck above. Alan walking up front with Tom behind him, observing his surroundings with a strong grip on his gun. Both vanishing as they went inside again. Haddock gasping as he lay his eyes on the two men, "Ah! It's Alan!"
"Is that the bridge?" Tintin asked causing Haddock to nod, "Ay, on the other side of the radio room."

Your POV

This got my attention. "Radio room?!" Tintin and I said suprised at the same time. Both reminding to keep our voices down. "Let's check it out. Wait here, Captain. Sound the alarm if anyone comes." Tintin said, tapping his shoulder before silently walking towards the stairs. Myself along with Snowy and (P/N) right behind. "Tintin, (Y/N). Be careful."

Meanwhile hearing the crewmembers complaining.

"I can't see a thing!" One said
"Quit your whining and find those kids!" Another said back annoyed.
"I didn't sign up for this!" A third one yelled.
"Keep searching!" Another commanded.

We had reached the door where Alan and Tom had entered. Tintin standing on the left as I stood on the right of the window within the door, eavesdropping on their conversation while we made sure not to get spotted. "Message just came through, boss."
"What does it say?" We could hear Alan question. "The Milanese Nightingale has landed. Waiting in the wings for action."

Tintin and I sharing a confused look, "Milanese Nightingale?", both silently listening to their conversation. "Now pray this will cheer him up." Alan commented, footsteps now sounding before we heard another door close. Tintin peaked inside. With the coast now clear, we both went in.

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