Chapter 3 - The library

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The secret of the scrolls
John Williams

Your POV

The wind was blowing outside and the clouds darkened. Rainy weather was approaching.

I sat in the dark, empty library. The chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and the desk lamp being my only light source. After the scene that took place at the flea market today, it got me curious about the whole story of the Unicorn. I had picked up different books from the shelves. Hoping one of them would provide the information I was seeking. (P/N) sat beside me on the desk as I flipped through the book pages.

"Yes, found it!" I said silently. Finally I had found some good information as I silently starting to read it out loud so (P/N) could follow along.

"Sir Francis Haddock of Marlinspike Hall was the last captain of the ill-fated Unicorn. The ship set sail from Barbados in 1676 on one of the most ruinous voyages in the maritime history. The ship however never reached its destination and was claimed to have been attacked by pirates. All the sailors were lost, except for one survivor. When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home, after he'd been surviving on a nearby island for about two years where the ordeal took place, he was convinced his name had been cursed. The Unicorn's manifest stated it was carrying a cargo of rum and tobacco bound for Europe. But it was long claim the ship was carrying along a secret cargo..." I read.

"What else where they transporting in that ship, (P/N)?" I asked her, just to receive a soft chirp from her as she walked around on the open book pages. It however seemed she was as confused as I was myself.

I let her walk onto my hand, where she sat contently so I could flip to the next page. "Historians have tried and failed to discover what happened on that fatal voyage, but according to Sir Francis' last words, 'Only a true Haddock will discover the secret of the Unicorn.'

I set the book aside on the page it was currently at. Flipping through the pages of the other remaining books. Suddenly I felt the hair on my neck stand up, getting the feeling I wasn't alone anymore. I glanced over my shoulders to take in my surroundings, taking notice of a tall silhouette behind one of the nearby bookshelves.

"Who are you? Come out, now!" I said while trying to keep my voice firm.

"Snowy? Who's there?!" The familiar voice of Tintin demanded for a few bookshelves away.

Suddenly, a loud bark came from down my feet. Causing (P/N), who ruffled her feathers to growl, as she flew up at full speed. I myself was too startled by the sudden sound. A gasp escaping my lips, nearly slamming my knees into the table as I looked down to my feet. There, an all to familiar white dog was seated.

"Snowy?" Tintin called out, not to loud so he wouldn't cause a scene. "He is here." I said loud enough for him to hear. I had started placing the books away, still holding the last one when he turned the corner.

"(Y/N)? I'm sorry if he caused you any trouble." He said, petting Snowy on his head. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'm fine, but he can't startle (P/N) like that. All that stress could really get her sick, you know?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that about these kind of birds. We would both feel horrible if (P/N) would get unwell because of this." Tintin said sincerely. I could tell by the expression on his face that he did feel bad about is.

"I only came here to do some research on the Unicorn. After all the sudden attention it had gotten today I thought it was very odd. I'm assuming you're here for the same reason?" I asked, starting to put on my coat. (P/N) landing on my shoulder once it was on.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, we were. I had found a couple of them, but not yet what I'm looking for." Tintin explained, Snowy barking in some sort of agreement. I smiled, silently chuckling to myself.

I picked up the only book I hadn't put away yet. "Well then, I suggest you take a look this one. I'm sure you will find what you are looking for in there. Well, I did at least..." I told him, placing the book in his hands as I passed him.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Tintin asked when I nearly had disappeared behind one of the bookshelves. "Yes?" I asked, slowly turning around to meet his gaze.

"I was wondering if, you don't have to of course, but if you wanted to work together on this mystery? With me? That way we can both write our stories once it is solved. What do you think?" The young man question somewhat hesitant.

"Isn't that somehow already happening right now? And if it wasn't, then I don't see a problem why that still can't be the case. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot from one another for the time being." I smiled before exiting the library, turning up the collar and hood of my coat to shield us both from the heavy rain and wind going on outside. But not without acknowledging a warm feeling bubbling up inside my stomach.
The fact that he really wanted to work together with me on the story...

I shook myself out ofy silly daydream. Picking up my pace down the empty sidewalk.

I was on my way to make a quick stop at my apartment. I was walking up the last couple of stairs, rumbling in my pocket to find my keys. Once the lights were on, I went to my office. Opening the upper drawer to retrieve my flashlight and Swiss Army knife. Fastly shoving both items in my pocket.

"Come on, (P/N)!" I commented as I grabbed an apple out of the nearby fruit bowl. (P/N), who replied with a shriek, flew out. Me being right behind her before I slammed the front door shut.

Marlinspike Hall, or that's what I believed that rich guy said, that would be our next stop. Luckily, the rain had had finally stopped, the wind now nothing more than a chilled evening breeze. Once outside the building, I broke out in a run along the sidewalk. Onwards to do some more investigating for the night.

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