Chapter 7 - Karaboudjan

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"Let's head back." He said a little awkward. Not noticing his slightly flushed cheeks. We started walking down the sidewalk, both making our way back to his apartment in a small yet slightly awkward silence.


Your POV

"We lost the scroll, but we haven't lost the story! Karaboudjan..." Tintin said in an encouraging way, tapping his chin as he though. "Well, it's an Armenian word. Maybe that can be a lead?" I suggested. I heard Snowy whine softy behind us, wondering what could have been the matter for his behaviour.

"I'm just wondering what Dawes meant when he said our lives would be in danger-" Tintin said, stepping through the entrance of the house. When an unknown voice came from inside.
"Mr. Tin-tin, a delivery for you." The man said, two others carrying a big wooden crate.

I eyed the tall man aswell as the two who were holding the crate. A feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me that something was off...

"But I didn't order anything." Tintin said confused, turning around to get a better look at the crate.
"Oh, well that's because it's you who is being delivered." When I heard that, it was already too late. Tintin was out cold, due to the chloroform before they dumped his unconscious body in the crate.

The man then tried to do the same to me, only to receive a kick to his leg and punch to the face instead. However, it wasn't enough. "You're going to regret that girly..." He said, obviously mad. I hadn't noticed one of the other guys sneaking up behind me. Only finding out when I got a hard blow to the head. I lost my orientation before my body collapsed onto the floor. My vision was completely blurry. They pulled me up roughly, but the more I struggled the more I grew tired. I started to slip into unconsciousness when the crate slammed shut.

Hearing Snowy barking and (P/N) growling, until everything around me turned black.

Third POV

"Why that damn- Quick get them in the van!" The man with the captain hat commanded the other. Snowy barking aggressive biting the man in his behind. He yelled in pain, trying not to get bitten again while (P/N) had managed to leave some scratches on his face.

Only to put a stop to it when he kicked Snowy inside. He managed to get a hold on (P/N) to throw her in as well, locking them inside. "Let's get going!" He yelled to the others as all of them entered the vehicle. Snowy barking from behind the door, before running upstairs. (P/N) following his lead.

He jumped from the one red couch to the next, finally landing on the window sill. Pushing it open with his snout to see the red van driving away.
Snowy looked to his right for another option, which just so happened to be a fire truck.

He made a jump for it, landing on top. Rolling until he stopped by the fire ladder. (P/N) flying up ahead above the red 'delivery' truck.

The red van drove further, stopping when they came to a roundabout. The ladder, which had come loose, slide forward taking Snowy along with it. This small dog paws slightly visible through the front window of the van. The kidnappers inside glancing at one another in confusion, startled when the white dog landed on the car hood. The car drifting from left to right, the leader yelling to his companion to shake him off. To ride him over if he had to.

Snowy slipped off the van, dodging the passing cars while he watched the red van drive into another street. His ears popping up when (P/N) turned his attention to a a biker with a tall basket attached to the end. Snowy ran until he was able to hop into the back.

After a few minutes, Snowy hopped back out again. Standing on a few layered boxes beside a fence, behind it a herd of cows. (P/N) flew over, turning to Snowy as a sign she was waiting. Snowy took jumped onto the first cow's back, nearly slipping of the second one who received a kick from one of the others. This send Snowy flying in the air, landing on the ground between their legs. Once Snowy was up however, his eyes were covered by the utter of the cow. The animal leaving a loud surprised 'MOOOEE!', this happened to all the other cows that Snowy passed down under.

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