Chapter 21 - Finding hope

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"Perhaps we should put it to the test. Here's mud in your eye." Sakharine said, giving a sign to the others to let (Y/N) and Haddock go.

"Fathead!!!!" Haddock yelled out to Sakharine before he landing in the water along with Snowy.

A gasp left (Y/N)'s lips. Allan pushing her down to the salty seawater below.

When he did, Tintin let go of his grip on the falcon. "Captain!! (Y/N)!!!" He yelled out in panic, getting up for a second before diving after them.

The flacon had now landed on Sakharine's gloved hand. The man grinning from ear to ear as he took the two other scrolls from the birds claws.
Without another look to the water surface below they went back to the Karaboudjan. On to find the treasure of the Unicorn.


The Captain's Counsel
John Williams

Trigger Warning - Drowning

|Your POV|

I gasped when I was pushed back. My feet no longer feeling the stone edge of the dock beneath them. I took a quick breath before I was swallowed by the seawater.

Even though the nice weather and warm sunshine, the water was cold.
The salty liquid got into my wounds, stinging like hundreds of little needles.
I opened my eyes the best I could.
The air bubbles rising slowly to the surface.

I kicked my legs back and forth to the best of my efforts, trying to return back to the surface above the blue seawater. The ropes binding my wrists and ankles, not to mension the weight of the drenched dress not making it any easier for me.

As I did, my lungs began to burn as I ran out of oxygen. I was starting to loose hope. Small specks starting to cover my vision as I breathed out. The bubbles slowly rising upwards. My body now laying perfectly still in the water.

'So this is how I'm going to come to my end?' I thought to myself

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'So this is how I'm going to come to my end?' I thought to myself. My mind drifted back to (P/N), was she alright? What about Tintin and the others? ...

I felt something tug on my waist, pulling me along. Yet, I assumed it was nothing more than the current.
But I was wrong.

I suddenly found myself above water.
I gasped for air, breaking into a coughing fit. I was lifted out of the water onto something made out of wood.

The little amount of water that was stillp stuck inside my throat coming up. My cheek resting against the wooden planks as I spit it out. I hear unclear voices, my mind still processing what was going. My coughs started to settle down, my lungs filling with the oxygen my body had been desperately praying for.

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