Chapter 15 - The heat brings back forgotten memories [Part 1]

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Sir Francis and the Unicorn
John Williams

Your POV

The once grey storm clouds had made room for a pale blue sky and boiling hot sun. The temperature increasing once again. With nothing to see except for miles of sand, and no food or water, there only remained one option. We had to walk in this blistering heat.
We had been walking for a while now. One hour, maybe two? I could be more for all I knew. Judging by the position of the sun, which was a little after it's highest point, it was probably noon by now.

We all had taken off our sweaters. Tintin and the captain had knotted their handkerchief on their heads as protection from the heat. I on the other hand, had just put it up in a bun. I was a messy one, but I couldn't care less at the moment. Haddock had one are around Tintin shoulders, the other around mine. Tintin carrying Haddocks jack, seeing how he barely had the energy to walk. Meanwhile his sweater was tied around his waist, mine loosely around my neck.

(P/N) hiding in the little shadow spot beside my head. Spix's Macaw were normally used to warm temperatures, but in these circumstances... it was starting to get too much. Her head was down, breathing through her mouth, more jumpy than usual. That should say enough...

Snowy seemed to be doing alright, pulling a big bone along he found somewhere on the way.

The captain having each of his arms wrapped around our shoulders for support. While he kept on mumbling:
"The Land of Thirst... The Land of Thirst... The Land of Thirst..."

"Will you stop saying that." Tintin said, slightly annoyed by hearing the same sentence over and over again. Me, myself feeling the same.
"You don't understand. I've run out, I've run out... You don't know what that means..." Haddock said, taking the empty bottle out of my hand as he sunk to his knees.

"Captain, we have to keep going. Come one, one step at a time." I said, taking the bottle again while taking a deep breath. Tintin soon joining in, "Come on, on your feet! Lean your weight on me!" Tintin said, as we both did our best to pull him back up. Captain Haddock still mumbling out nonsense. "A man can only hang on so long without his vitals."
Tintin sighed as he looked at the older man. "Captain, calm down. There are worse things then sobering up-"

"Tintin, (Y/N)! Look!" The captain suddenly said, pointing to something in the distance. "We're saved. Water. Water!" He yelled in relief, as he began 'running' up the hill.

"Captain, no! Wait!" I yelled out, as I went after him.

"Stop! Captain!" Tintin yelled after him. Snowy dug his teeth into his suspenders to hold him back from running. The man eventually stumbling down the sandy hill. "It's just a mirage!" Titin shouted, dropping the stuff in his hands as he kneeled beside the confused seaman.

"But it was here. I saw it." Haddock mumbled, convinced of what he had seen. I squatted down on the other side of the captain. "It was just you mind playing tricks on you, captain. It's the heat!" I explained, holding out my arms to the warm sands surrounding us.

"I have to go home." Haddock suddenly mumbled. "I have to go back to the sea..."

"Captain, you're hallucinating." Tintin said, trying to reason with the man beside him.

"Look, have you ever seen a more beautiful sight?" The captain spoke with what I could only descibe as some sort of passion, slowly standing back up on his feet. Tintin and myself looking up ahead to see nothing but sand for miles. "She's turning into the wind, all sails set. Triple masted. Double decks. Fifty guns."

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