Chapter 13 - A heated situation

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Third POV

Tintin's hand hung over the boat in the blue ocean water. The young man still unconscious, just like (Y/N) and Snowy. (P/N), who had made herself comfortable by snuggling up between the side of (Y/N)'s neck and sweater, was asleep by now.
Not certain how much time had past, Haddock took a deep breath. Letting go of the oars to wrap his arms around his body, puffing his warm breath onto his hands in the hope to provide them from warmth. "Oh, I'm so cold. And thirsty." He said, his hand rubbing along his turtleneck sweater. "My throat is parched."

"Let's see if there's any fresh water." Haddock mumbled. He stood up, walking over to the little hidden storage at the very end of the boat. After opening the small door, he began to feel for anything that might help to less his thirst. Only for his hand to collide into a glass, and all to familiar, bottle of whiskey. "Aha, what do we have here?" He said, smiling as he pulled out the alcoholic drink and closing the cupboard doors.

Your POV

I was tired, my eyelids heavy. My mind stuck in some kind of deep daze. It was cold. So cold. Something against my back providing me with a little warmth. That, whoever, was until I could feel an incredible heat source come from in front of me. Something was pecking at my cheek and whistling highly. A muffed voice accompanying it.
My eyes slowly blinking as I adjusted to the light. But the sight before my eyes left me shocked, and not in any positive way.

Tintin's POV

I began to wake up from my deep slumber by someone calling out my name. '(Y/N), Tintin, wake up.' The voice said. I opened my eyes. Once I processed what was happening I pushed myself up from the bench. "Come and warm yourself, laddies." Haddock said, standing by the fire to warm himself. (Y/N) who now stood up too, had shock and panic written all over her face.
In the middle of the boat was a fire. A fire?!

"Captain? What have you done?" I asked, trying keep my cool in this unthinkable situation. "Oh, no need to thank me." He said, turning over to rub his hand together before the cracking wood keeping the flames alive. "What?" I asked, thinking my ears were betraying me. I rushed over to the spot, trying to put the fire out with my foot. "Well, you guys looked a little cold, so I lit a wee fire."

"IN A BOAT?!" (Y/N) yelled out somewhat hysterical before I even had the chance to do it myself. Haddock didn't seem bothered by it at all. Instead, he picked up the other oar up. "No! Those are our oars. We need those oars!" I said panicked.
"Well, not anymore." The captain said, breaking it in half and throwing it onto the pile of fire.
"Have you gone mad?!" I shouted at him.

"Come on!" (Y/N) said, throwing seawater onto the fire to stop its flames from growing. (P/N) flying back to keep a safe distance from the dangerous flames. "Captain! Quick, help me!" She said, as I too started trying to put out the fire. "Captain, help us. Quick!"

"They're right. What have I done? What have I done?!" Haddock yelled panicked, finally getting out of his daze. I noticed him grab to the bottle of whisky. Alarm bells going off in my head.
"No! Captain, not that!" I shouted, only for a giant explosion to follow a second after. (Y/N) and myself backing away just in time.

After that the fire had almost completely gone out on its own. A big burn mark and warm wood the only remains of the once existing fire.
"Thundering typhoons!" Haddock cursed to himself.

---Time skip---

Your POV

So, there we were. Drifting around on an upside down lifeboat. "Well, isn't this a fine mess..." I sighed as I sat between Tintin and Haddock. Snowy sitting beside Tintin while (P/N) hopped on my crisscrossed legs. My arms placed behind me to support my body while the waves made us go up and down. "Indeed." Tintin sighed in agreement.

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