Chapter 8 - Captain Haddock

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Your POV

Tintin and I had nearly reached the window. Tintin had pushed Snowy inside before starting to climb in himself. But once inside Snowy started barking, a loud yell following soon after that. "AH! A giant rat of Sumatra!"
Tintin had managed to get inside aswell, I was next. Being careful not to lean on my bruise. (P/N) flew off my shoulder once my upper body was inside. Just in time to see a man grabbing a binocular, his eyes never leaving us.

"Ah! You thought you two could sneak in behind me and catch me with my trousers down huh?" The man yelled angry, starting to swing around the telescope like it was a sword. "I'd rather you kept your trousers on if it's all the same to you." Tintin said, blocking the attack with a wooden boat hook he grabbed from the small desk.

That however didn't stop the guy from trying, starting to swing the object again. This time around towards me. "I know your games. You're one of them!" He replied, as I dodged his attacks. I snatched a metal pipe from the ground, blocking the object from hitting me. "Sorry?" I said, utterly confused at this point.

"They sent ya both here to kill me, ay?!" He shouted as he kept swinging the binoculars around while Tintin and I kept blocking, trying to reason with him. "Look, we don't even know who you are!" Tintin said loud enough for him to hear above the noises.

"So that's how he's planning to bump me off?! Murdered in my bed by two baby faced assassins!" He exclaimed. Surprised when Snowy started biting the end of his pant leg. It clicked to me when he said that.

He didn't want to hurt us. He was just confused an mistook us for the enemy. "Assassins? No, you got it all wrong!" I tried to explain. Tintin now right behind me. I made a bold move to lower the pipe onto the little desk as I kept on talking. "We were kidnapped, by a gang of thugs."
The anger finally disappeared in the man's eyes, soon replaced with confusion and sadness. The binoculars now destroyed to the point it started falling apart to bits and pieces.

"The filthy swine." He sighed, leaning his weight from one foot to the other as he look around his cabin. "He's turned the whole crew against me!" He said angry with a lump in his throat, smashing what was left of the binoculars onto the floor.

"Who?" Tintin asked, looking around on the desk to find something useful for us to escape.
"A sour-faced man with a sugary name... He's bought them all off, every last man." He sighed in slight defeat while resting his hands on the table.
"Sakharine!" I said, knowing who he was referring to. He slowly looked my way a slight anger forming in his eyes upon hearing the name. "Nobody takes my ship!" He growled, lowering his already deep voice and slamming his fist into his chest at the word 'my'.

"You're the captain?" Tintin asked, now realizing that he was the original leader of the ship. "Of course I'm the captain. Who else could I be?" He said slightly raising his voice. "Sssh!" I hissed slightly to him. If the thugs would find out we were here, all our former efforts would have been for nothing.

Tintin was still looking through the papers and other materials on the desk. "I've been locked in here for days, with only whisky to sustain my mortal soul." The captain sighed depressed. As he lifted one of the alcohol bottles upside down to show they were empty. I walked over to the door, but when pushing the door handle down it just opened.

Hell, he didn't even try the door?!

Both Tintin and myself glanced back at the man, my eyebrow slightly raised in question.

"Oh," He replied surprised eyeing the now open door, "Well, I assumed it was locked." Pointing the bottle towards the door.
"Well, it's not." I answered, glancing in the hallway to check if it was save to leave. I walked back in, glancing around for anything useful I could bring along to defend myself while Tintin stood watch by the door. I found a second wooden boathook, along with a couple of fish hooks. Good if a lock needed to be picked or to use as distraction.
"Now, if you'd excuse us. If they find us here, we'll be kill. We have to keep moving. Ready, (Y/N)?" Tintin asked, as I simply nodded my head.
"Let's try and find a way out of this drunken tub." He said, glancing back to the captain before shutting the door. The captain inside clearly not happy with the nickname his ship had received.

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