Chapter 12 - Visiting the pickpocket

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Capturing Mr. Silk
John Williams

Third POV

Back in Brussels, it was a quiet sunny day. People doing their daily purchases and minding their own businesses. A pair of footsteps came down from the right side of the sidewalk. A soft splash as he stepped into a puddle left behind from the recent rain. The tapping of his shoes making an even rhythm against the stone surface.
His gloved hands making some motion like he was pulling an invisible thread.

Approaching from the opposite side, come two other people. Their footsteps in sync with one another. A cane resting on each ones left arm.

"Look Thompson. There's the fellow." Thompson said. The pickpocket looking around in the hope to not track their attention. "Aha." Thomson replied.
The two officers now walking over to approach the man.

"Oh my," The pickpocket said. Patting over the pockets on his vest. His steps discretely speeding up. But that didn't help as Thompson and Thomsons pace picked up aswell. Relieved of the jingling sound of a key in his hand, he walked up to a front door.
"Mr. Silk?" Thompson asked. The man turning around to the two as his name was mentioned.

"Yes?" He said somewhat nervous. His eyes switching between Thomson and Thompson.
"My name is Thompson" "And Thomson" They said, each introducing themselves.
"We're police officers." They finished in unison.

"Oh... oh, crumbs." Mr. Silk said, walking in between the two officers and away to the right. Only for him to crash into a woman that just came out of a nearby store.

"Good gracious!" "Mister Silk!" The two inspectors said, making their way over to the man to check if he was alright. "Are you alright?" One said, "Poor fellow." said the other. The man sat right up, slightly disoriented as he could swear he saw yellow birds flying around his head.

The woman behind him got up aswell. A guy from the animal story came running out with a net, catching two canaries in his net as the last one flew in willingly. Another man who was passing by came to the woman's aid, helping her up.

"Are you alright?" Thompson asked, but there was no reply. "Are you alright, Sir?" Thomson asked again. They helped mister Silk to stand up. Each one holding onto one of his arms. This causing mister Silk to panic. "So need to run away, sir." Thompson said in a reassuring way, seeing as the man started to panic. "No, no, you see, yesterday we very nearly caught the pickpocket who's been terrorizing the town!" Thomson explain as they both walked him to his front door.
"Pickpocket?" The man asked confused.

"We pulled his jacket of and inside we found a wallet." Thompson continued, taking out a brown wallet from the inside pocket of his suite.
"A wallet with your name and address!" Thomson clarified. "That's my wallet." Mr. Silk said.
"Well, it's obvious he stole it from you." Thompson said. "No, no, that's my wallet." Silk replied, taking the wallet and putting it away in his own coat as he struggled to open the front door.

"Are you alright, sir?" Thomson asked again, worried due to the stress and panic the man was showing. "We didn't mean to startle you," Thompson said in an apologizing manner, "Let us help you back into your apartment."

---Up in Mr. Silks apartment---

"Thank you so much. No need to come in. I'll be quite alright, really." Mr. Silk said nervous. About to close his front door leading to his apartment while the inspectors still stood in the hallway.
"No, we insist." Thomson said, pushing the door open so he and Thompson could enter. "Better save then sorry. It's the least we could do." Thompson said with a smile as the officers helped Silk sit down in a nearly armchair.
"There we are." He said, the two policemen placing their canes on their arms. But when observing the apartment, they were shocked at what they saw. Many bookcases divided over the living room area. But instead of books, they were filled with all kinds of wallets, in all different shapes and sizes. "Good grief!" Thomson said stunned, "What is all this?."

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