Chapter 20 - The chase for the scrolls [Part 2]

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Your POV

"We have to find another way around. Hold on." Tintin said, taking a turn down another side street.

I kept a close eye on the tower. A whole lot of noise came from inside.
Suddenly, I saw the falcon fly out again, Snowy hanging onto pressumably one of the scrolls while an extended arm held onto Snowy's back paw. "Over there!" I said, Tintin's eyes follow to the direction I pointed out.

Out of nowhere I saw (P/N) dive down, catching the clue in her beak. My eyes widened at the scene.

Tintin suddenly turned his head sharply to his left. The blurr of a red car passed at the end of that street.

An idea popped up in my head. I slide off the motorcycle when it slowed down for a moment.

"(Y/N), wait! Where are you going?!"
Tintin yelled, stopping the motorcycle.

"I'll catch up with you later. Go get the other scrolls." I said, running towards another direction.

"No! I am not leaving you here on your own!" Tintin protested.
I didn't have time for this right now, I had other things to worry about. Like how (P/N) was being chased hot on her tail by the falcon.

"Tintin, listen! (P/N) has got one scroll. The falcon has the others. I got to go help her. How knows what they will do to her if they catch her?!" I explained, terrified of the possibilities. I could see Tintin having a silent discussion in his mind, debating on what to do. His face filled with worry. But I didn't leave him a choice to argue. "I'll be fine. Now go get the other two scrolls before it's too late." I said, simply turning around and running off.

I ran around another house, now overviewing the property while being a save distance away from the car. My fingers went to my mouth as I whistled loudly to get (P/N)'s attention. It was a type of whistle that only we used to communicate, so to that her head perked up.

Third POV

"There he is! Stop!" Sakharine yelled out. The falcon turned after hearing his masters voice. The chase after (P/N) came to a stop as the bird now flew with the other two scrolls in his claw and beak to its owner.
"That's right, that's right. Come to daddy. Come to daddy-" Sakharine repeated, holding his gloved hand out for the bird of prey to land on.

But that stopped when Tintin came bursting in from a sideway. All the baskets with spices that were on display now creating a big cloud of red-orange-like dust, too thick to see through.

"Got ya!" Tintin said, mostly to himself as he got the birds leg. Pulling it back he grabbed the first clue. But then, the falcon slipped away.
"No!" He shouted, chasing the bird as he tried to catch up with it.

Tom managed to drive out of the smoke of spices. The three men utterly confused as to which way Tintin and the falcon had gone off to.

"Boss, over there!" Tom suddenly shouted out. Sakharine following the direction of his finger to find (Y/N), taking one of the scrolls from (P/N). Partly hiding behind in a alleyway a little further up ahead, although she could easily have been missed if they didn't watch close enough.

Sakharine growled in anger. "After her!"

Haddock, who had seen the whole thing from the tower window, was what was about to happen. He grabbed a rope, swinging to the red car down below. Sakharine and his men getting confused upon hearing someone shout 'Jeronimo!!!'

The next thing they knew, Haddock had landed on the hood of the car, giving out a punch to Tom before continueing with Alan. Snowy already growling and biting on the first mates jacket collar.
"You double-dealing, pilfering parasites!" The captain shouted in fury.

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