•Chapter 20•

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This chapter may have a lot of swearing in it, If you do not want to read any, Then please be patient until the next update. Thank you and enjoy! But i would recommend you to read this.

Time has gone by as Taylor and I have been going out.

I finally said yes after some time of thinking. I was a little nervous at first but I finally decided to say yes.

I didn't LOVE. Him. I admit, I still had a little bit of feelings for Nathan. Ill admit that. It was just... I dunno why. I just couldn't get him out of my head.

Since New Years was tomorrow... aka 12:00AM We all went to a club.

Guess what..?

Jay FINALLY GOT A GIRLFRIEND. It took him long enough. Her name is Melanie.

Hispanic mixed girl. Pretty brown eyes, And Sandy brown hair. She looks like the type of person who's perfect for Jay.

She's very laid back, But also protective of her ' Jay Bear' I have to stifle a laugh everytime she calls him that. All Jay does is blush and go along with it. It's quite funny in my opinion.

I dressed in a peach colored shirt, a black high waisted pencil skirt, and peach colored heals. I didn't care if this was a new years party. I didn't want to blend in with the rest of the crowd anyways.

I wanted to be found easily. I didn't want to get lost and picked up by some random lad with nobody to save me. Although that would never happen anyways. You wouldn't be able to kidnap me without a fight.

I went into the bathroom and started curling my hair into loose ringlets.

After that, I put black mascara on and black eyeliner to make my eyes.... POP I guess, Or to make them a little big bigger than usual. But not too big because that would have been a little weird.

I walked out of the bathroom and I hear a shout from downstairs " WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" Tom shouted.

Yep, I'm still in the same house with the same five boys. I don't plan on moving out yet. I dunno.


I walked down the stairs and pushed past everyone and out of the door, I hopped inside the car that was waiting outside, And waited as everyone piled in.

I texted Taylor

To: Taylor

Hey um, Are we gonna meet you at the club then, yeah?

A few minutes later I got a reply back

From Taylor :

Ok then. Cya soon sweetie.

I have no idea why he talked as if he was my mother. But I guess he's trying to be polite rather than saying something like ' Cya soon sexy lady ;)' At least that's better than that.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned to look at who was tapping me. And it was Siva.

"Whats wrong with ya?" He asked.

"Everyone except you, Are annoying me." I said and he nodded in understandment.

As we pulled up to the club I got out of the car instantly trying to find Taylor.

I showed the guard my ID and got in.

I weaved through the lot of sweaty people and didn't see Taylor anywhere downstairs so I went upstairs in the room.

I walked around and put my ear to each door to try and locate Taylor.

I went to the last door hoping for some kind of luck.

"Mmm. Taylor" A female voice said.

I was hoping that my worst nightmare hadn't some true. I tried to turn the knob and it was locked.

Thinking that it must have been another Taylor, I texted him.

To Taylor :
Hey um, Where are you?

I immediately got a reply back from an automated message

I'm sorry but the person that you have contacted has either turned their phone off or has temporarily been disconnected.

Oh hell no. I spun on my heels, Took my shoes off and kicked down that door. I had previously taken self defense classes with Tom when I was younger.

There stood a scared shirtless Taylor, and a half naked girl standing behind him.

"Wow. Great job Taylor. Nicely done." I said and walked up to him. You know what I did? I walked up to him and slapped him as hard as I could.

"You're a dick." I said and left the room. I sat down and put my heels back on. I did it more viciously considering I was angerly ranting and swearing outloud.

Taylor found me swearing in the hallway and ran up to me still clutching his cheeck due to the pain.

"Let me explain," He started

"No, Fxck you. I've seen enough. I don't want an explanation from you. You're no different from anyone else. You are just gonna give me that same bull. ' Oh I was drunk and she took over me.' No I don't care get away." I screamed.

I stormed out of the hallway and went downstairs and almost halfway back to the lads I slammed into someone's chest.

"Whoa there, Wait.... Eva?" A familiar voice said. I looked up and saw the person who I haven't seen in a while.

"Oh my god, Skylar!" I yelled hugging him.

Looking over Skylars' shoulder I saw an angry Taylor walking this way. Ugh really

He grabbed me by my hair and smashed his lips on mine. I pushed him off and yelled "GET OFF! We're not dating!"

"Since when, you never said we're broken up?" He said more like a stament.

"Yeah I did."


"Just now." I said and walked away wiping my lips off and flicked my hair.

"Who was that?" Skylar asked.

"My ex." I replied simply. He nodded in understandment.

"Why don't we get a drink shall we?" I nodded and followed him to the bar.

"Two Cokes and Vodka please." The bar man nodded and gave us our drinks.

I downed the drink and was a little buzzed considering I get drunk pretty fast. But I was somewhat sober. As much as I hated being drunk, I decided to let loose for a little since it was new years.

It was 11:59 as the countdown started as we sat back at the table with the rest of the lads and they're girlfriends.











"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!" Everyone screeched.

Someone grabbed my chin turned me to face them and roughly smashed their lips against mine.

"I've been waiting to do that for so long." The voice said.

I looked up and saw those piercing green eyes looking back at mine.

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