Chapter 27

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I began scribbling on a sheet of paper.  I honestly don't know what I could do to try to save them. I wasn't some superhero where I could just rescue people at the blink of an eye but Tom is my brother and i'll do anything to save my brother. Out of all the people, why did I have to have a screwed up life? It makes no sense as to why it had to be me.  Someone had to be the cause of it and somehow it ended up on me being the last person that he wanted.  I continuously created many scenarios in my head about what could possibly go wrong and how I could avoid them. At the same time, the boys did act suspicious..

Could they be in on it?

I pondered on and on about that question, That couldn't possibly be true. Maybe Toby had something to do with it and wound up scaring everyone else. I mean it is a possibility so I shouldn't think of the worst cases. Despite the fact that my thoughts were all over the place, I decide to text back the number. It may be the dumbest decision that I could make but hey, it may come in handy, you never know. My fingers hovered over the keyboard and it took me a little bit of courage to actually plan out and type something.

To:Unknown Number

What do you want from me? Why are my friends involved in your little problem? They have nothing to do with this, and I surely don't either. Stop involving innocent people in your life issues that you clearly can't take care of by yourself.

I sent a that a little too boldly. I didn't mean for it to come out that way but there was no other way I could have possibly said it. In a way, I actually kind of regret texting in the first place but, there was no turning back now. I nervously fiddled with my hands, awaiting a response. It felt like years, minutes, and hours and I've still gotten no response. Eventually, I'd finally giving up on waiting for a response. 

I sighed and laid down on my bed and got comfortable and eventually drifted off into a deep sleep. 


Toby's POV

I was just casually sitting in my house drinking some coffee I had made earlier before I heard my phone go off. I checked it to see who had texted but as I saw the name pop up, I completely ignored it despite how much I wanted to read it. I don't understand why I felt the urge every now and then to just pick up my phone and read it. Soon enough, I unlocked my phone and checked the message. It read

From: Eva

What do you want from me? Why are my friends involved in your little problem? They have nothing to do with this, and I surely don't either. Stop involving innocent people in your life issues that you clearly can't take care of by yourself.

She has no idea what I am capable of and that was one bold move of her. She shouldn't have done that.


hello! this is just a short filler chapter because I haven't updated in a while. I promise i'll try to update sooner or later! 

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