•Chapter 14•

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This will only have one person from magcon. It will not all be about magcon. It will be very little details about it because this is of course, a Nathan Sykes fan fiction. So please excuse this one part.


•Eva's POV•

After I finished this song, I closed up the piano, And got up from the chair.

I turned around to see everyone behind me with wowed expressions on their faces. I blushed and slid past everyone.

"Uh. We made breakfast" Nareesha said.

"It's okay. I- I think I'm going to go to-" I was cut off by Nathan saying

"Let me come with you." I shook my head and started going to find my shoes.

"I'm going to go to the park." I announced while grabbing my phone.

"Then why can't I come!!?" He yells again. I sigh and decide its time to tell him the truth. I drag him into the other room and he looks at me ready for an explanation.

"Look. Something's up with Ariana. You're dating her. Your problem. Now, I'm trying to move on from you. As much as it hurts to. I'm sticking with it. If you couldn't tell, She loves you. Now if you can't see that. Look how blind you are." I finish pointing to Ariana's sad face.

I wave to everyone and make my way out of the house and locking the door. As I make my way down the cool streets of London, I find a small park where I can finally think about what I want to do with life.

As I lay on the grass, Something stabs my butt. I let out a little yelp and sit up and dig in my back pocket of my pants and find a pencil. Confused, I check my other one.

Its.... A note that said "Hey text this number later today."

Now as a normal person. I know this is the strangest thing that could happen. And how did I not feel it.

Alerted, I stand up and look around the park. To find any teenage people who look like that they could've done this.

I find a group of boys and one girl sitting by a tree but wasn't near me at all! But they were all looking at me.

I looked back at them, Oblivious as to what was going on. And made a confused face. They all burst out laughing and looked away. As for me, I had enough of this confusing moment and started to head home.

As I got home I ran into my room giving a quick wave to everyone, and pulled the number out of my pocket.

I checked the time and it was 4:00pm. Wow how long have I been gone!?

I text the unknown number.

Me: Uh.. Hi?

I text. The strange number. A few minutes later I got a response.

Unknown: Hi! :)

Me: Who's this?

Unknown: Oh, I was a person at the park.

Me: Oh really! I didn't know that! -_-

Unknown : Want to meet up later? I mean you'll get to know me better.

Me: I don't even know your first name!

Unknown: Oh. My name's Taylor Caniff

I set his name to Taylor

Me: Ok well, I guess ill go.

He replied almost instantly

Taylor: OK GREAT SEE YOU @ 8:00PM!!!!! ;)

I didn't respond back. Ugh why am I doing this. Why did I agree to see him,What the hell did I get myself into? What if I get raped! After all, he did stick a paper and pencil in my back pockets.

His text replayed in my mind. "Taylor. Taylor Caniff. Who is this guy!? All these worse case scenarios kept playing in my head. Ugh might as well nap.



Well that's the end of chapter 14! Hmmm Taylor. Hello there. Haha just kidding but it will be more Nathan soon! So please be patient. Thank you. Also the picture that he sends is up there!! Goodbye!

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