Chapter 24

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[pls read a/n at end] -[this looks way better on a tablet/phone]

•Dan's POV•

What the heck!! Why are they running!? Maybe because you followed them like a creepy ass stalker that's why! The voice in my head fought back. Why am I doing this? For Toby? He wants to get revenge this bad? I should have quit the day I saw this coming.

But I need the money, lemme tell ya, the payment is pretty good if you ask me. Nobody knows my past at all. My family hasn't been having the best of times. My father left me when I was 8, when I say left, I mean the Earth. I remember it like it was yesterday. My mother naturally cared for me until he died.

The bright Hazel eye colour of my mum's is now dull. Her light brown hair has become a pale-ish sandy brown. She's has dark circles, basically the worst case of depression.

I'm only staying because she needs the most help now, mum has caught a case of insomnia in which every night she has nightmares about fathers death in a different way every night. It's absolutely horrifying to wake up to the screams of my mother almost every night.

I thought about it and decided to let them run off, thinking that I was still behind them. I repeat it is time to think about in real life how long I have been doing this. I was continuously asking myself why was I still doing this job I should be at home helping my mother and having a different job than capturing a girl just for Toby's fun.

I'm a sick person! Whoa. I just realized this. YOU NEED THE MONEY the idiotic voice said. I decided to let them go.


[Lacey's POV]

What the hell, how does Eva know this guy!? She better have a great explanation later.

[Eva's POV]

Is he still following us? I bloody hope not. I slowed my running and watched my friends continue dashing off until they came to a stop since they noticed I had slowed my pace. I finally came to a stop and tried to push all of the fear out of me and turned around.

He wasn't there. Good lord.

I know that I will have a bunch of explaining to do once we go inside for our sleepover. I have got Lace and Alex up with what's been happening, I don't want to get them involved because Toby might try to do something with them, I just hope he isn't thinking of doing something with them. I'd just found them again and I'd be horrified if he'd done something to them.

"Helloooo? Earth to Eva?" Alex said waving her arms around.

"Oh, erm sorry."

"We're at my stop."

"What? What stop?"

"My house."

"Oh." was all I said before they shoved me in Alex's house.

"Would you like a drink or anything to eat? I know we just came from Starbucks but I'd assume that maybe you would want a drink or so." Alex said.

"No, it's okay. I'm perfectly fine." I responded. She nodded and walked into what I assumed was her kitchen. Lace cleared her throat as Alex walked back into the room. I looked up and said "What?"

"Don't play stupid, we want answers. I know that you knew this was coming." Lace states.

"Right." I say before explaining from the day I noticed things staring from Ariel.


"Oh my god, that's horrible!" Lace shouts.

"Wait a bloody second.... YOU WERE KIDNAPPED!?" Alex shouts. She's normally calm but I haven't seen this side before in a long time. I shrug and reply "Yeah, basically. It was because Ariel was in on it but she really acted how she was, That doesn't change the fact that she's a living slut machine." I respond. They both laughed at my comment and shook their heads before getting serious again.

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