Chapter 25

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[wowow sorry this is late but it deleted what i typed and the chapter was halfway finished ughhhh ok here we go but hey, surprise update after 3 months!? :-)?]


"What's up your sister's ass today?" She questioned rudely pointing at me.

"Sister? Sky, who the hell is she, and why is she wearing my clothing from Year 9?" I growled.

"Who the hell are you?" She interrupted.

"His best friend bitch." I replied in the same tone.


"Best friend? Sky, what is she talking about..? Did you lie to me? What is going on??? You're supposed to be his sister?!" She says looking between Sky and I. She continues asking questions until I finally decide its the right time to  cut her off. "Skylar, It's okay that you have my clothes from year nine but, did you find her from the streets somewhere? Why would you give some random girl my clothing? You could have at least asked although I would have probably said no anyways but did you really have to sleep with her then have the decency to use my clothing? I understand I can't wear that but really? Appropriate clothing at least. Cause to me, she looks like a slut right now."

"Listen here you British piece of trash-" She says stepping towards me before Sky grabs her arms and pulls her back. "Let me at her!!" She exclaims whilst trying to get out of his grasp. I look at her, showing no emotion.  "What? I'm being honest and you all know it. As for you Sky, -" I stop myself. "You know what, never mind. I do not care, she can look like a prostitute if she wants to, that's not my concern anymore. Now I want to know why you're here."

"I need to have an invitation to visit people?" He questioned while narrowing his eyes at me. I exhaled slowly and rolled my eyes. "Never mind then." I mumbled.

I started to walk back in the house without another word being said. If Sky wanted to be that kind of guy then so be it. If he did that just because I didn't move in with him then, oh well. Honestly, my life is hell. I'm being searched for by some psycho, the boy that I love, yes love. Is out looking for me yet I keep being taken away from him. I have no idea why this guy wants me but sooner or later I am going to find out and end this madness.

I walk into the the kitchen and grab a bottle of water and set it down on the island. I glance at the couch to see if I can have some time alone and watch tv and just relax but I can't. Sky and his lady friend already beat me to it. "Eva get me a drink?" Sky said, more like a statement. "Bloody hell, get your own drink!" I shouted annoyed. "You know, you've got a mouth now do ya? Sky has told me much about you "His lady friend who's name I don't care much about smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs to my room and slammed the door.

"You alright?" Jay peeked his head from around my door. I forced a smile on my face and nodded. He bowed his head in response and closed the door. A few minutes later someone swung my door open. Frustrated, I glared at the open door. Who was it now? It'd better not be Sky's "friend" or whatever she was. "So." I heard that annoying voice and instantly shot up, pushed her out of the door and locked it. "Oh my god she is so pathetic!" I heard her shout from the other side of the door. I didn't really care about what she had to say about me. The only things that she ever spoke was pure bloody shit that no one cared about. She thinks that the words she says is to interesting but in reality, it's just crap that comes from her mouth.

I wondered where Nareesha and Siva were. They either had gone somewhere or, just aren't in the house right now. Maybe I should go see Lace or Alex.. Or both of them. They are my best friends after all. Or maybe I should just go to sleep. "No way I can't sleep knowing that Sky's girl is here." I said quietly, putting emphasis on "girl"

As soon as I'm ready to sleep, music starts blasting throughout the whole house. "Oh my lord you can't be serious. What's wrong with these people!" I shout annoyed, throwing my hands in the air.

I've got to get an apartment somewhere. I can't stand it here! I wish I could have gotten here earlier and left with Tom and go.. Well, wherever he went. I can't stand being here any longer. I think to myself before shoving my head under the pillows in attempt to block out the noise. I realized I've gotten in a bad mood ever since I arrived here. As if it's not loud enough, the sound of the music gets louder! I'm going to leave right now. I cannot take it anymore. I throw on some black joggers, a white hoodie and put on my sneakers. I didn't care about what my hair looked like. I just knew that I had to get out of here.

I quickly ran down the stairs when I saw many people downstairs. "You've got to be kidding me." I said. I run back up the stairs only to find an unknown man behind me. "Hey.." he said, I nod in response that I notice his presence. He doesn't say anything for a long time so I continue off to my room. That's would I would have been doing if I wasn't stopped by some guy I didn't know. Also embarrassed that someone had seen me when I wasn't looking exactly "presentable" for anyone to see me other than Skylar and the boys. I start jogging to my room and I quickly close the door I wasn't planning on letting that lad in my room anytime soon. I lock the door and walk over to my window. I bet you can probably guess what I'm going to do next. Yes, I'm climbing out of the window.

Stolen|| n.s. book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang