•Chapter 22•

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[Toby's POV]

I really should drug that girl and make her forget my name. I really shouldn't have told her my name. Ahh, whatever. I have to go and find out what Nathan is planning on doing, but that means I'll have to leave this girl with my stupid assistant... Dan.

We're both Australian. I'm from Sydney along with Dan. I've known him ever since I that encounter with Nathan and his side chick. She was mine but what had to be done, was done.

Dan is the type of assistant who sends out those texts like *You better watch out hun. ;) ~ U* U is used for Unknown.

I text Dan, letting him know that he's in charge of the girl until I come back.

You're in charge of the girl until I get back, I have unfinished business to do. Don't get yourself in trouble or I will go apeshit on you. - Toby

I don't wait for a reply as I gather my things together and head out the door. Yet he thinks that right when I get in my car, that its a good time to text back. Thanks.

I read the text as it says:


Oh god. It's not even a big deal, I think while rolling my eyes.


[Dan's POV]

This is gonna be the best thing that I've done so far! I will not let Toby down, like the other times. While driving on the way to Toby's house I turn on the radio to the news station, its sounds like a man in his early twenties speaking.

Oh right! We're in London! I turn the radio up so I can hear what they're talking about.

" My best friend has been missing since last night. I don't know where exactly, but she hasn't returned. I noticed that one of my ex's were talking to her. I thought nothing of it, but as soon as I turned my head for a second, and she was gone. She just disappeared and the weird thing was... nobody saw who did what."

"Okay, and what's your name hun?"

"Nathan Sykes, ma'am"

"Alrighty. Can you explain what she looks like?"

"I can uh, send in a photo if you'd like."

"Okay! Sounds good."

I turn the radio off. Had that been the girl that Toby captured? Is this the girl in our basement? Oh goody!! This will be great!


As I enter Toby's house, it seems very quiet, too quiet if someone's here.

I hear the chains in the basement moving, Then a crash, and another. What is she doing?!

I run down the stairs to see a very pretty girl. Toby got lucky on this one, I'm only telling the truth.

As I take a closer look, her eyes are closed?

"No! Noooo! Back up! NATHAN RUN!" She screamed. Then the kicking starts. Is she having a nightmare? If it is, she's a wild one, and I would not like to share a bed with her if she was my girlfriend. I shouldn't even be talking about her, I don't know her. Plus I just gotta wake her up.

I tap her leg slighly and she doesn't react, so I try it a little harder. I lightly hit her leg, she stirred a little bit. Then I just go up to her thigh and slap it. She jerkes awake and stares at me, confused. Here we go, that normal question Who are you? Ugh I hate that question. But she didn't. Yet it was quite harsh.

"Why are you touching me? Don't touch me again!" She snapped. She had some kind of accent, oh right we're in London... oops. No words could produce. She was so pretty but no. I couldn't, I barely know her.

"I er, uh.. sorry. I was uh, just trying to wake you up. Toby er told me to... um... well - im kinda sorta in charge." I let out as she had her eyebrow raised the whole time.

"So, can you at least undo my chains, I want to shower, These cuffs hurt! Can you undo them?" She complains. I roll my eyes.

"Hun, complaining doesn't work on me." We can do this all day.


[Eva's POV]

I finally give up trying and take a moment to actually notice what the boy in front of me looks like. The blonde haired boy with the ocean blue eyes staring back into mine, and deeply enjoying this moment.

I clear my throat and say "Hey... Mister?" I nudge his leg with my foot. His eyes flicker up to mine in a questioning look, before his eyes wonder around my body.

"Eyes are up here, are you just gonna stare or are you actually going to unchain me or something? Please? I promise I won't run, or try anything!" I plead. He grumbled something about Toby and then ran to get keys and food, knowing that I haven't eaten in a day.

"What the hell is this?!" I exclaim staring down at a small English muffin that the boy put in front of me.

"You can either eat that or starve, it's not up to me." I sigh giving in, while he goes into his staring trance again.

"Well, how am I supposed to eat this?" I snap annoyed at his staring now. He mumbles a quiet 'oh' and grabs the key.

"I suppose I could-" he says before a booming voice is heard behind both of us.

"NO. You're going to feed it to her." Toby emerges from the dark.

"But I know how to-" i say before im cut off as a knife comes hurtling towards me. Instantly, I move my body quickly but the chains making it harder for me.

"You can't just do that!" The boy shouts.

"Dan.. " he pauses before screaming

"I can do whatever the HELL I WANT!"

So that's the boy's name... Dan.

Toby comes over to me slowly and undos the chains. The adrenaline building up in my body, I kick him in the private and grab the knife and stab him in the leg and skip two stairs at a time, hurtling towards the door. I'm a human GPS, I always find my way around places.

I find my way to a busy street, I don't know what street this is!! I ask a couple of people if I could use their phone to call the boys. Eventually when someone says yes, I quickly thank them and dial their number.




"Hello?" Max says

"MAXHELPMETHEYSTOLEMECANYOUTELLMEWHEREYOUAREIMBEINGCHASEDINEEDHELP!" I say in one sentence. Surprisingly he understood and asks where I am.

"Memorial STREET!" I scream in the phone. He says he's on his way and that he'll be there in 10 minutes.


[Toby's pov]

She can run, she can scream, but she can't escape from me. Don't worry Eva. Im coming for you sweetie.

I write and put the note on the door of where she lives.

She's not escaping that easily. That was only beginners luck.

--------------End Of Chapter----------

Huge writer's block sorry!

Stolen|| n.s. book 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя