Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.8

Start from the beginning

"Take that, you murderous b*stard." Qrow said.

He rushes over to Clover, who was laying on the ground coughing and groaning in pain.

"Clover! Clover, are you okay?" Qrow asked, cupping Clover's face.

"W-wha....what...what are you doing here?" Clover asked breathing heavily.

"Making sure you don't get yourself killed." Qrow replied, helping Clover to his feet.

Qrow slings Clover's arm over his shoulders and wraps his other arm around Clover's waist.

"Come on, Clover, the fight's not over yet. You still gotta do that counter spell." Qrow said, practically dragging Clover to the door Watts had went through.

"I...*cough*...I don't think I'll be able to." Clover replied.

"Yes you can, Clover, you're so strong. Besides, you're the only one who knows the counter spell." Qrow told him.

Qrow kicks open the door and walks in with Clover leaning heavily against him.

"You're too late! I've already finished the spell. Soon, the demon will break through the barrier and will be unleashed on the school." Watts said.

"You d*mn fool! Don't you realize that you'll be destroyed along with everyone else!" Qrow replied, tightening his grip on Clover's arm and waist.

Above the platform Watts had just stepped off of, a black portal with red energy coming off of it appears. The whole chamber became unstable, debris falling everywhere. As the ground shook and large chunks of stone fell from the ceiling, Qrow creates a forcefield (as all familiars can do) to protect him and Clover. Watts tries to find a way out, but is unfortunately crushed by a large piece of stone ceiling.

"Told ya!" Qrow called out.

The black portal grows larger and the red energy becomes more vibrant. Qrow glances at Clover and saw just how awful he looked. Purple vein-like markings slowly grew across his skin with each passing moment, sweat dripped off of his forehead, his breathy was harsh and ragged, and he shivered and trembled with fever.

"Hey, ya still with me, Clover?" Qrow asked nudging his noble.

"Mmmm...y-yeah...*cough*." Clover nodded, a little out of it.

The crow familiar takes his noble to the platform. Clover gathers as much strength as he could to keep himself standing.

"You should go...w-warn everyone...so they can evacuate the school." Clover told Qrow swaying on his feet.

"No, I'm not going anywhere this time. No matter what happens, I'm staying right here." Qrow argued.

Clover doesn't respond, instead he begins casting the counter spell. Though, halfway through the spell, a jolt of pain and dizziness shoots through him causing him to collapse.

"Clover!" Qrow gasped.

He kneels next to Clover and takes him into his arms.

"Clover, stay awake. Please, keep your eyes open." Qrow said.

"You...y-you were right...I shouldn't have done this." Clover replied, tearing up.

"No! No, I was wrong! Clover, there's nothing wrong with being brave...it's actually one of your best qualities." Qrow said, scared for his noble's life.

"I...I'm sorry, Qrow....I...I-I failed." Clover whispered, eyes falling closed.

"N-no! Don't say that! Keep your d*mn eyes open. Please don't give up, not now, not when we're so close. You've never given up on anything...not even me...so don't you dare start now!" Qrow pleaded.

"W-why....why d-do you....s-suddenly care so much now?" Clover asked, eyes still closed, and his voice barely above a whisper.

"God d*mn it, don't you get it!? I LOVE YOU! I've always have. So, please, for the love of god, STAY!" Qrow begged, crying.

Qrow holds Clover to his chest and buries his face into his hair.

"Stay..." Qrow wept.

"Did I...just hear that correctly?" Clover thought.

Qrow's words give Clover the motivation to gather up all the strength he had left. He forces his eyes open and sits up, looking deeply into Qrow's crimson red eyes.

"You...love me?" Clover asked.

Qrow chuckles lightly, his cheeks turning pink.

"I have a h*ll of a way of showing it, huh?" Qrow said.

"I love you too." Clover replied smiling with so much adoration.

Qrow's eyes widen in shock, he'd never thought about his feelings being reciprocated. But as he looked into his noble's beautiful teal eyes...he believed what he said to be true. He cups Clover's cheek and kisses him deeply. During the kiss, Qrow lends his magical energy to Clover so that he could have the strength to finish the spell. Even after the spell was completed and the portal disappears, Qrow continued to lend Clover his magical energy, burning the poison out of his system. Clover knew that if Qrow lent him too much magical energy that it would end up killing him, so he pulls out of the kiss.

"Qrow, I'm fine now, you can stop lending me your energy." Clover told him.

"You sure you're okay?" Qrow panted.

"Yes...I'm fine." Clover assured Qrow, caressing his cheek.

"Good." Qrow smiled.

Realizing how weak he felt, Qrow slumps against Clover's chest, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"I...I need a nap." Qrow said as Clover comforted him, rubbing his back.

"Turn back into a crow so you can save up your strength." Clover told him.

"I'm sorry I was being such a d*ck." Qrow mumbled.

"It's okay, I forgive you. I'm sorry I called you a coward. You're not a coward, not at all." Clover replied kissing Qrow's head.

Qrow turns back into a crow, and Clover carries him out of the chamber and straight to the infirmary so that they can both get checked out. Clover got in a little bit of trouble with the headmaster, and Punzie, for not informing an authority figure about Professor Watts and for taking on such an extremely dangerous task. But on the other hand he was awarded for saving the school. Him and Qrow worked out everything that happened between them, promising to never shut each other out or hurt each other ever again. Now the two are not only bound as familiar and wizard, but they're also boyfriends.

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