Chapter 22- My Family

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(Mia's point of view)

I already filed my resignation at the bar. Mr. Martin Vega refused to accept it but Lewis helped me. I applied at the Cafe near Lewis penthouse. Luckily, I was hired immediately.

I will start working in the Cafe tomorrow. My family will visit me today. We will be having a dinner together with Lewis. Lewis said that he was nervous but I told him that they will like him.

Airy and Devan helped me in my errands like paying the bills and going to market. I also asked them to join us in our family dinner because I consider them as my sisters. I accompanied them to the mall to buy new clothes for the dinner. Well, Red and Neo were invited too.

When my family arrived at the airport, they called me to meet them at 6pm. Lewis made the reservations in one of the hotel that his family possessed.

I was wearing a navy blue halter dress and my hair was tied into a bun. Lewis was wearing  blue slacks and a blue blazer. I said, "Do we really have to use matching clothes?"
He replied, "Of course sweet pea!
This is what normal couples do."
I wore the golden heart locket necklace that he gave me.

After few minutes, all of us were already inside the hotel's dining hall. The server started to give our drinks followed by the appetizers.

I sat beside Lewis. He was holding my hand. My mom said, "Mia speaks highly of you! It's good to finally put a face to the name."
Lewis replied, "I hope she only says good things about me Ma'am!"
My mom smiled. My dad asked Lewis about his hobbies like playing the basketball. He also asked about their businesses. My brother Jace was talking to Red and Neo while my sister Keily was telling a lot of stories to Airy and Devan. They were placing our main course with savory aroma on the table. The desserts were served afterwards.

After a sumptuous dinner. We checked in the hotel. My dad said to Lewis ,"We had fun and we enjoyed dinner with you and your friends!
"I only have one request, Please take care of my daughter when we're not around."
Lewis answered,"I'll protect her with my life Sir!" My dad patted him on his back.

When we went to our rooms, We were very tired. We took the shower and went to bed. Lewis told me that he was really happy to finally meet my family.

(Lewis point of view)

Tonight was one of the best nights in my life. I wanted this relationship to last. In order to make this work, I'll start by being honest with my sweet pea.

She was lying on the bed wearing her pink cropped top shirt and small white shorts. This woman is tempting me. I kissed her legs up to her thighs. She smirked and said, "You're tickling me Superman!"
I answered, "I bet you're enjoying it!" She replied, " I guess your pants is getting tighter! She looked at my pelvic area. She said, "Just keep it there my naughty Superman!"

I went to the room's mini bar and took a red wine. I asked her if she likes to join me. She walked towards me then she sat on my lap.We both took one glass of wine, then I started to open up.

I told her how we got our family's fortune. I explained to her how my father became the leader of the Italian Mafia named "Platinum Dragons" and I am his heir. I told her about our businesses, both legal and illegal. I opened to her why I transferred here because of my mission that was finding the rat in our businesses and how I got my bullet wound, was an encounter with our rival named "Silver Snakes".
I also said that Uncle Martin or Liam's father is one of my dad's business partners here.

She just listened while I talked. She took a few shots of wine and you know how she was when drunk because she was lightweight. She ended up vomiting in the bathroom.
I held her hair while she was spewing her guts. Then I cleaned her and carried her to bed.

( Mia' s point of view)

I was really trying hard to absorb every information that he was giving me. I was surprised and nervous at the same time, so what I did was to drink the whole bottle of red wine. I knew he trusted me with his life that's why he was feeding me with secret informations. He might be in danger. I don't know how many enemies they have but I'm ready to accept my fate with him. I felt dizzy after his confession, I stayed in the bathroom and he was also there holding my hair and massaging my back. Now I fully understand why he doesn't want to label our relationship before. I bet he doesn't even want a relationship but both of us knew that we belong together. He was like the yin to my yang.

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