Chapter 17- Second Chance

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I've been keeping my distance with Lewis. I was embarrassed when I thought that he was going to kiss me in the storage room. The problem with me is that I always expect more from him. I want to make him mine officially but I guess, having a relationship with him will be far from reality. He made it clear that I do not belong in his world. Whatever that means.

Few days had passed, I've been looking for my phone and never erased the miscalls and text messages from Lewis. I miss his voice. I miss his touch. He never attended our classes. What happened to him? Maybe I was just overthinking.

My world turned upside down because this time, he was the one avoiding me. I focused on my studies, the cheerleading, tutoring editing of our newspapers and working at the bar. I kept myself busy to forget the loneliness deep inside me for longing him.

Airy and Devan were very supportive. They stayed with me after classes to watch a movie in our apartment while eating our favorite chocolate ice cream. I told them everything about me and Lewis. My sister Keily also called me a few times. My brother Jace visited me once in the bar and he gave me an extra money for my other needs. He's so sweet and he even told me that he has a girlfriend that he met at his school named Courtney. I was so happy for my brother and sister.

I saw Liam at the bar a few times. I forgot to tell you that everyday, he sent me flowers and we go out for dinner sometimes. He told me that he wanted to gain my trust and forgiveness for what he did.

I gave him a second chance. He said that he will never give up until my heart is ready to open for him. I gave him a chance to prove that he is a good person but I don't know if I'll ever let someone enter my heart because my Superman took it away when he left.

I planned to talk to Red and Neo. I'm beginning to worry. It's unlikely for Lewis to just disappear for a week without a valid reason. He loves the basketball game and the lectures.
Am I not enough? In my heart I knew I have a special place in his heart.

I went to Red and Neo's  penthouse. Airy and Devan accompanied me.
I knocked at the door with shaking hands. Red opened it and said,
"What are you doing here Mia?"
I replied, "Where is Lewis?"
Neo answered, "He returned to Italy because of some business."
Red said, "Just go home and rest Mia. Don't worry he's fine."
I cried because I knew they were hiding something from me.
I shouted, "Are you guys playing with me? I will never be calm knowing that he might not come back to me!" Neo said, "Trust him Mia! Lewis' loyalty to you is exceptional. We've never seen him that happy when he is with you." Red implied, "You are  heaven to his hell and light to his darkness."

We went home and the girls convinced me to go to the bar tonight. I agreed because I wanted to drink my sadness away. I do not encourage girls like our age to drink like us.

Of course my two best friends were skillful so we have our fake IDs. We drink 3 shots of Tequila Sunrise. I'm a bit lightweight so I think I'm going to have a hang over tomorrow. We danced until we got tired. Airy and Devan walked me home.

Argh! My world is spinning! I did enjoy the drinking and the dancing part but now, I have this terrible headache. I went to the bathroom several times. Nausea and vomiting never stopped. I stayed inside the bathroom because I'm tired of running from my bedroom. This night s*cks. I wish my Superman is here to take care of me.

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